The Lord

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At the earliest dawn, a black figure escaped from a mammoth of a premise and headed towards a strange looking building. As soon as he approached,  a swift, crisp clicking sound emanated from a lonely corner.

The door that stood like a mountain, Suddenly shook before opening all the way, leading a dark and gloomy corridor for the naked eye.

The figure clad in black swiftly moved inside and upon his entrance the door quietly closed on its own. This place, by no means could it be related to anything simple. Which was precisely the case. After approaching layers after layers of security did the figure manage to get to the centre of the building.

The sound of wailing and cracking resonated inside the building. As the figure approached his destination, he met his companions. "'s the investigation coming along?" A tall and sturdy man came forward and bent his back before bowing deeply to the figure who now stood before him.

"Reporting to lord, this man hasn't uttered a single word of useful information to us. After constant torture he had completely become numb. I have failed to complete this task, asking lord for punishment and seeking the lord for his advice" the men in the room, who had felt stifled the second this lord had graced them with his presence could do nothing but prostrate themselves before him.

They were incompetent scoundrels who knew nothing but to torture, they were not of much use, therefore to keep their lives intact, they had to serve this lord to the best of their abilities. Zeke had a little more importance to this lord than the 'ants' that were crawling in this room.

"That is precisely why I am here..your work was adequate, retreat" as the words fell, the other men in the room scurried out of the room, Zeke also left after conveying a few matters to this lord.

It was somewhat dark inside the room. The constant wailing now turned into soft whimpers. The lord, turned to his left and began walking towards where a big throne was set up. After taking his 'generous' self to the throne he cast a side glance at the person who seemed to be trembling in fear and trepidation. His clothes had become ragged, ripped in various places. His handsome face bruised up. Rudy complexion that had now turned pale due to excessive blood loss.

"I am not benevolent, nor patient enough, speak your mind" the dominance he held back in times and faces of familiar people had been greatly expelled in front of the trembling coward. What was there to speak? He has already said, he's not benevolent..

What could the poor man say to save his life? The man tried to compile a list of things to say to this lord so as to seek freedom for himself. However, he knew this man wouldn't leave without a bloodbath, he was just a mere fly in his eyes, barely comparable to the air this lord breathed.

The man remained quiet. He was waiting for his death. Who knew that suddenly the lord would let out a hearty laughter, hidden behind it the gruesome and cold personality of his. "Who knew you would land in my hands like this? Where is your pride now, Vice General Glaze?" The lord looked at him provocatively.

The man gaped at this lord. He was capable of laughing? When?! How did this happen? He was forced out of his thoughts when the lord beckoned another set of hearty laughter. "Isn't your king the least worried about you? You've come to be a chess piece in his rival's so very amusing. Ah, this hugely satisfies my soul.."

The trembling man clenched his teeth and forced his mouth open. "You are wise enough, what chess piece? Your only objective is to eradicate us, I'm also certain you have no intention of letting me go alive.." the scared man finally spoke his words in a firm tone. He didn't want to die a shameful death. He didn't belong to this place, he would naturally be treated with hostility, what more he was aware that death awaited him.

The lord who sat on the throne threw him an appreciative look. "Smart..but that doesn't mean I will really kill you..or I will?" His chilly voice sounded once again, the hint of laughter or amusement disappeared at once. This had the man scared silly. His lips quivering, he looked like he had been wronged severely. Just like how a maiden would lament for being ravaged.

This scene, it reminded him of a certain maiden who slept soundly in one of his master bedrooms. "To think I had a moment of benevolence for the likes of you.." the man only looked pitiful because he was in his clutches, and had suffered a huge blow to his ego, which not only shattered the man physically but mentally too. This wretched man, the lord knew what he was, and what he deserved.

He beckoned Zeke inside the room once again. Zeke who stood right outside the room, quickly but quietly entered the room. He stood before his lord with a bent back. "Asking for lord's order" the lord swept a glance at the sorry figure of a man who trembled looking at him. "Execution.." he need not say more.

It was conveyed to his loyal man. "This humble one accepts the lord's order" and as quick as lightening, the scared, trembling man from a different country was dealt with. He was of no use, he didn't dare open his mouth. An otiose scrap like him, there was no need to keep him alive.

After this matter was handled, he left the room and traveled on foot towards another room. The two hunky bodyguards that stood outside the door bent their back and bowed to the lord before they opened the door for him. The lord nodded his head and nimbly entered the room and the door closed behind him.

As he entered there was a humorous voice that sounded before him. "Welcome, I've been waiting for a while now.." the charming young man stood before the lord and he expressed his greeting through an even more charming smile.

"What are you doing here?" The lord wasn't surprised of his presence, he merely wanted to know what this cheeky bastard was doing in his private training room so early in the morning?

The young man chuckled before he crossed his hands over his chest, assuming a serious yet not so serious countenance at the same time. "I might or might not have sneaked in three days ago..don't worry though, I have plenty of essentials to survive on..hehe"

The lord nearly rolled his eyes listening to this stupid man. "How convenient, isn't it young master Aly?" His voice carried a chill. Whoever heard him at this moment, would probably faint due to fear. "Absolutely, my beloved Second Prince, Siddharth Nigam.." the young man didn't hesitate a second before playing along with the lord. This time the lord, aka Siddharth Nigam rolled his eyes. "Step aside, I need to train.."

Siddharth gestured for the young man to move so he could get on with his business. The young man aka Riyaz Aly looked at Siddharth with a pondering gaze. "Say, I heard you brought sister in-law back?..what is it you want to do?" Siddharth gave him another chilly glare. "Sister in-law?..I'm not quite familiar with that term..she's nothing but a vessel to bear my child." Riyaz Aly felt the chills this time for real.

"Cruel, so frightening!" He pursed his lips with another glare from Siddharth. "I wonder what the second prince wants to do later? As far as I know you..this isn't what you would indulge in..what plan do you have now?.." a faint crooked smile bloomed on Siddharth's lips. "Secret.." the young man stood gaping at his old best friend. "You! What secret? There aren't meant to be any secrets between best friends!" Riyaz huffed as he finished his statement. With a nonchalant shrug Siddharth left the fuming Riyaz and proceeded with his training.

Erm, I formally apologise to you all. The story will take a few more twists and turns, which in turn will absolutely confuse some people. There will be chapters that you guys won't understand, and I'll do my best to explain it to you guys, but I won't reveal much as the plot will be unveiled much sooner then I'd expect it to be. I also hope you guys won't find the writing style a nuisance, cuz believe it or not that's just how I roll. One time something else, the other something else...hehe. Have a lovely day! ^•^

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