The Storm In His Eyes

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She did not even have to knock on the door, as soon as she approached the door, she found herself looking right into the study room. It was open. Seconds later a busy Vishal hurtled out of the room. A messy appearance with a look of fascination plastered on his lips, curved upwards as he glanced at her. "Master's waiting inside Mistress.." and he hurried out with a stack of documents, struggling to handle them well in his hands.

She smiled back at him, the uneasiness that she had been enveloped with washed away seeing how clumsily he was walking out of the room. If she wasn't going to face her husband with a stoic face and an indifferent attitude to anything she says, She would probably fist her thigh and burst into laughter.

That is, if she wasn't going to face her husband. She took a deep breath and made her way into the study room. Luxurious, it was well decorated and put together. The colour schemes matched the themes of the decor. Then she sighted him. He sat on his working desk, a pile of files to skim through by the desk, on the left hand side. Him facing downwards to read a piece of document, it was such a rare sight, to see his head lowered. The past month she'd been staying here, his head was always in the sky.

She had only been mislead by thoughts for a second when his voice rang out from where he sat. "Do come in.." startled, Avneet looked to focus onto him. Still busy, as he kept his head down. "Won't you come over?.." another shock. Could it be her imagination or did she hear a murmur of tenderness in his tone? Stupefied she gawked at him where she stood. No way. It can't be. "Do I have to repeat myself?" Without looking up at her, he spoke once more.

Only this time, he had lowered his voice a bit, matching his usual one. The one where the indifferent attitude showed up automatically. Ah, this was the right thing. It is still him. She sighed in resignation and walked over to the desk. She took a seat on one of the empty chairs. Just as she had settled herself in her seat, his face lift up and he searched her soul. Her heart began to speed beat.

The ringing in her ears kept her sane, although she found herself drowning in his hazel eyes. The storm in his eyes was persistent. She immediately felt on edge. Was he angry? Why was he angry? Was he angry at her? Or did it have something to do with his work?

She grimaced when he suddenly got up from his chair and walked towards her. Her eyes widened. His steps were like hammer hitting against hard rubble. The fury implied was immense. Shit! Was he really angry at her? Tremors coursed through her like a hurricane, an avalanche, destroying every bit of sense she had managed to gather through difficulty. Her breathing pattern had greatly changed.

The look in his eyes was no different than a predator looking at his prey. Poor rabbit, he had no intent to let her go. As he neared her, his breathing was felt by her. Soon, her breathing changed even more, she felt his breath fan her cheek. Waves of those same tremors had multiplied, fluctuating her whole being. It brought excitement, but more than that, the fear.

He wasn't the same Siddharth she was familiar with, no, he was much more profound and difficult to read. He was that wolf that knew to hide its claws even while the prey pranced about right before its eyes. It was getting more difficult to breath, the distance was being bridged step by step.

And at last, when there was only two steps left to block her way completely, he stopped on his tracks. His eyes trained right at hers.

He dip down his head to her eye level. Looked intensely at her before verbalising his thoughts. "When were you going to tell me?" His eyes, if they were the sharp daggers aiming at her, than his words were spears made of glass, cutting her flesh, piercing one layer after the other. She succumbed to the chair and shrank back. Anxiously staring at him, biting the inside of her mouth, causing it to swell and bleed.

Her lips were shut tightly, she was truly anxious. What's with this question? "W-What do you mea-n?"  She lowered her lashes, fluttering them while she rummaged her brain for what he might mean with his question. "You are pregnant?.." *boom* shock coursed through her. How did he find out? No! He can't find out!

"W-What nonsen-" he leaned towards and looked calmly into her eyes. "Is that so..?" His question was one thing, but his searching eyes, they were another, and on a whole different level at that. It was as if he could look right through her. As if she was a translucent piece of paper. Not just, he was the ink that painted her full. Which meant he knew what she was about.

The rim of her eyes stung. He can't find out, he just can't. She shrugged her shoulders and tried to deny once more. "I..don't know what you are talking about.." she hung her head low. Shame filled her. She wanted to so badly tell him that she was pregnant.

What transpired next was much too quick for her to register, all she knew was that she had to prevent that sharp pencil to stab her belly. Fear filled her to the brim. "No! My baby!.." she cried out and hunched over to prevent the pencil to make contact with her stomach. With a swipe, Siddharth had picked up a pencil on his table, before swinging it to her belly, in a stance to attack. Coincidentally, the lead was facing her belly.

She blanched looking at the pencil in his hand. And could not help but blurt out the truth. "That wasn't so hard.." placing the pencil back on the desk, he wound his arms around her neck and pulled her into his chest. She instantly teared up. "How could this?" She sniffled as she felt resentment for the man. "I wasn't going to harm you, I just wanted the truth.." his voice had become velvety, calling upon her fondness. She buried her face deep into his chest and cried out.

"I didn't know how to tell weren't acting yourself..y-you also seemed to hate me.." the pent up frustration, hatred and pain she had suffered, it all seem to let lose now. She cried and complained until her tears were no longer hung by the cheek. She also seemed to get to her senses. "I think I should must be busy.." she pulled herself out of his chest. Then looked up at him. Those eyes, they were still the same, emotionless yet, somehow still filled with so many emotions.

The storm had subsided, and it was time to take leave. "Hold on.." he said as he wiped her tears off of her face, then leaned over to plant a kiss on her forehead. Butterflies danced their pretty captivating dance inside her belly. He was so caring it felt painful to part away from him. "Take care.." he began to turn away from her. In haste she held his hand and rushed her lips to his. She needed this.

She needed this more than the comforting now. God knew the long nights went by torturing her, sleepless nights. While he slept, putting her in torment's way. She softly grabbed onto his dress shirt as she swivelled right forwards and pressed herself against him. Not letting even a second go to waste. A new set of tears emerged from her eyes. She missed this.

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