Carefully Assessed

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Avneet carefully caressed the side of his cheeks. Looking deep into his soul. "You'll be back soon, you told me that. You promised me, don't break it." Her hands trembled on his cheeks. She lost him once, for a very long time; she could not find him, and that period of time was the longest for her. He was meant to be there with her. But after teasing her heart he disappeared, as if he never existed. Even with all her efforts and might, she could not find him. And when find him she does? She did not find him, she was found by him. As if a mysterious force blinded her from the paths he took. Out of the blue, she was pinned against the wall behind and kissed. She was magnanimously surprised, then she realised that someone other than the two was in the room. She hit his chest and tried to push him away. "Hmm?" He leaned away from her. "What is it?" Avneet nearly fainted. "What do you mean what is it?! She's right in our room!" She whisper yelled at him. Siddharth looked to see Ashnoor assume a posture of watching a drama with a wild gesture of having popcorn in her hands. She gestured the guy to continue. "Do you mind?" Siddharth didn't seem to see her gesture and instead spoke up.

Ashnoor almost facepalmed. She smiled however and said "By all means, go right ahead!" She clapped her hands and anticipated the next scenes. Siddharth looked back to Avneet and said "She doesn't mind." And proceeded to kiss her again. "I-I mind!" Avneet flushed from embarrassment. "Would you like to exhibit how we kiss to someone else?!" She whisper yelled to him once more. "She's one of us.." Siddharth spoke softly. Avneet whipped her head to look to Ashnoor who couldn't wait to see what came next by the excited face she had, before looking at Siddharth. "Still!" She looked down in embarrassment and emphasised this one word. "Okay, I'm leaving now." Avneet felt this one come in suddenly, and urgently rushed to hold him back. Even kissing him on the lips, while someone else was in the room beside the two. Siddharth stopped and smirked into the kiss. Ashnoor gave her brother thumbs up! "Good going! What a trick up your sleeve! Time is aiding you brother!" She whisper yelled in her own little corner and cheered on for Siddharth. When Avneet realised she wasn't supposed to stop him from leaving, she wanted to release herself from him. Only, this time someone else wasn't willing to let go. He held her in place and held her tight. Kissing her like there was no day after morrow.

Avneet wanted this in the first place, she could not complain. Or maybe she didn't want to complain. Just a little longer.. she thought to herself. If she spent some more time with him, she ought to be satisfied. What she wasn't aware of was that, these moments spent together with him would haunt and torture her as she was alone. Making her pine for him like a forlorn lover. Wasn't love sweet? Well, sometimes it brought the feeling of crushing defeat and madness. Which she was going to feel very soon. Siddharth gripped her hard, and before she could protest again she felt him squeeze her from behind. She gasped and unintentionally granted him entrance to her sweet mouth. It was a bit problematic for her now, the feel of being torrid kissed. She feared she would embarrass herself in front of Ashnoor. Because when he really took her mouth to play, she would lose out instantly and began to go down his lane, instead choosing to survive in hers. Which was exactly what happened now. When her mouth was released, she could already see the stars, her head was dizzy and eyes dazed.

Stealing glimpses of his lips that tortured her softly. Stealing glimpses of the eyes that drowns her within. In a blink, she was as if drunk. A sign of drool peaked out of the corner of her lips. She was thoroughly immersed when she heard loud squealing in the background of what she took to be a frame, where only he and she were pictured. When another round of squealing started she was startled and jolted out of her reverie. Looking back to Ashnoor who couldn't stop giving her the 'knowing look' and then looking at her brother as if she was a proud mother. Avneet flushed from head to toe, then she gave him a glare. "A-Are you happy now?.." she whispered softly, only so he and she could hear it. Siddharth was also intrigued by the face she made. She looked like she had been drunk on Ambrose. The pure vibe, but she took a sip from the Devil's mouth. He tainted her pure self. Only him. And that was oddly satisfying to him. "Very." It was made known that he was indeed satisfied, as he declaimed quite proudly. He caressed her cheek a little lovingly before turning to Ashnoor.

"You better not tease her about this. If I hear a word about you teasing her, I will deal with you the old fashioned way." "What?! That's not fair!" Ashnoor exclaimed with wide eyes. Avneet looked at the two conversing. What was the old fashioned way of dealing with someone? The two sibling like people continued to argue until it was time for him to really leave. Avneet was distraught, but he had to go. So she gave him a warm smile and hugged him, until she could feel every inch of her body pressed against his. She sighed in contentment. And breathed in his musky scent. "Return back to me Siddharth, you promised me." Siddharth was a little muddleheaded after hearing her words. "I will.." "You had better, you, don't think so carelessly about your life, it's not yours anymore, it's mine." Her words were soft, but they were very clear, like she meant every one of it. Siddharth felt a little stuffy in his chest. Right, this woman loves him. She was bound to say a few emotional words before he left. He hugged her back too, more tighter then she held him, but still refrained form putting any pressure on her belly.

"You had better take care of yourself too, a pregnant woman should not do any chores, just relax and live for me okay?" His concerned voice stirred her heart. She quipped with a lovable laugh and verbalised. "Okay.." from behind Ashnoor sauntered towards the two love birds and stool close like a third wheel. "Since I'm here now, you have nothing to worry about brother." She sounded off in a huff, as if he had nothing to worry about. Siddharth turned to her and smiled "I know." Soon, the two ladies accompanied him and escorted him out of the mansion. And shortly after that, he was sat in his black car and rode off. Quickly, the car became a dot in the far distance. Avneet sighed, missing him already. She was just thinking of all the times that passed by in a blur in her eyes when she was silently being approached by Ashnoor. "Sis, let's go back inside, it's not good to stand out here." She had been scouting the area with her eyes, and even though there were no signs of anomaly, she still wished for Avneet to be in the safe environment and not be outside, being a target for others.

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