'Softly And Gently'

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Wrapped around him, Avneet could not keep her desire from spilling. She had not been granted any attention, so how could she let a grain of it pass by? Now that she's getting what is hers, he should be getting what is his, right? Not really. In fact, a certain someone being handled quite suddenly felt otherwise. Yet, still, he knew one thing. To break her wings, he must lead her to take a flight off the highest cliff. He held her, capturing her waist with one hand, while he pulled her hair with the other, pulling her to face him upwards, easily accessing the whole of her mouth.

Ferocity and heat filled the atmosphere as the two brought in the fire and were burning each other's flesh with it. Tear streaked Avneet, finally found the need to part away. When she did, she hung her head low and displayed a very shy face, while she did her best to catch lost air. Redness suffused her face. Not knowing that Siddharth's eyes clouded with desire, she merely turned around to leave. "I would never dream of doing that.." the hoarseness indicated his voice could be nearly spent.

Freezing on the spot, Avneet pondered over what his words meant. First of all, were they even for her? If so, then what could she not dream of doing? She turned around, not knowing what was right and wrong. "You shouldn't be walkin- *Cough* go, go and do what you have to.." he stopped mid way. Felt as if he had been led astray for a while before coming back to his senses. So he recalled once more how much he had been put in trance because of her. She was a living distraction. Much hap-hazardous for his plan.

Avneet felt slightly embarrassed and disappointed at the same time. When he mentioned about not dreaming of doing something she shouldn't, she felt odd, the tone used to deliver that sentence led her to think an awful lot of things, but in reality it was nothing. She turned around once again, willing to leave, only then did she realise she had to confront.

Turning back to him, she cast him an inquisitive look. She had so much to say and so much to hear. "T-The baby..a-are we keeping it?.." this time, she did not look down, stubbornly keeping her head up. She faced him head on. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed her biggest worry. "We will." Once that was said, there was no other reason to stay behind, thus, looking back at him for the last time, she turned around to walk out of the study room.

"Tomorrow.." his overwhelmingly hoarse voice rang once more. Avneet turned around, confused. "Pardon?.." Siddharth shifted his gaze elsewhere. Contemplating what was on his mind he kept quite for a few more seconds, until he felt the need to break the silence that settled inside the room. "Tomorrow..we, we'll go on an outing." Surprise was written all over Avneet's face. Then she suddenly beamed at him. She shone bright with that jewel of a smile.

She gazed up at him, gratitude in tow. She felt that this sudden change was for her. It would be good to go out after being cooped up in her own room in a big lair. "Thank you.." the genuine smile didn't leave her face. She was very happy to hear that they would be taking a break. Seeing that it made her happy, he paused his next sentence before saying the well thought out words. "If you like it so much, I'll tell Salem to take you out every now and then.."

Salem was one of the bodyguards that Avneet had under 'her' wing. The smile on Avneet's face faltered a little. She puffed her cheeks before mumbling a little loud, enough for the two of them to register her words. "It won't be the same as going out with you.." Siddharth caught onto her words and realised something. Right, this woman was his wife and held some sort of affection towards him. Thinking this, a small, devilish smile appeared on his face. He felt his chest swell up in a proud manner. It meant, that even though he did not claim her, she was undoubtedly his.

"You should be ready by ten, I'll come to collect you tomorrow morning." This method was alright too. The 'Softly and Gently'. A different approach for the same plan. Avneet was let down once more. He didn't say anything about her puny complain. It would have been better to receive an answer to that. Wouldn't she know where she stood with him then? Now, swirls of emotions circulated her. She wasn't bold enough to ask him for it, not after the way he had behaved with her these past few weeks.

She was trapped with invisible walls when it came to trying to get close to him. He would open up, just a little to keep her hooked. He would cut her deep, then bind up her wound. This way, no blood loss. Which was equivalent to her living; keep lingering where he wanted her to be. "I'll take note of that..then, I'll be off." She turned on her heel, painfully, then marched right out of the study room. She did not want to leave, but she also knew that if she tried to take a mile from the given inch, her given inch would be snatched from her too.

Right as she left, she caught sight of Vishal who stood outside, keeping watch. She waved him bye and went on her way to her room. Vishal waved her back, his eyes narrowed. "Trying to make Master jealous..is just a front. It would never be too easy to make Master jealous..but I definitely noticed that smile.." he thought to himself and snickered. "Just you wait, Master. There will be a day you will be begging Mistress to stay on your own.." a maid passing by saw him mutter to himself, seeing that he was acting really weird she hurried her steps and went out of his sight.

In general they were already very scared of him, he was a higher up, their Master's aide, plus the fact that he's been on killing sprees just to fulfil his Master's wants. Everything listed above was enough to scare their coming eight generations. They would not hover around, unless he was polite and gentle, or there was a plan brewing in his mind which required their assistance. Vishal sighed as he saw the maid almost run out of his sight. "I'm not that bad.." sighing once more he turned to look towards the study room that was open and his Master who now began to work on his desk. A sinister glint flashed in his eyes. "An outing huh?...time to get to work Vishal."

He sauntered inside the study room, more like, walked inside as if he owned the place. "Master, what preparations should I make?" As he said this, he went by Siddharth's left hand side and stood there like an obedient pet. Siddharth lifted his eyes up to him. He wondered where to go for the vacation tomorrow. "As long as it's something fulfilling and our time can be spent well, book whatever is necessary." Saying this, he thought once more, then added "If possible, somewhere only the two of us can be, spending more time with her is a must."

At that, Vishal nearly snorted in sarcasm. But he held back, or else his head would be on a platter the next morning. "This subordinate understands, do not worry Master. You will have the plan in your hands tomorrow." Confirming what he needed to, he went his way. From there on he went to and fro until his task was completed. When he came back, he had news at hand. "Master, their movements have been low-key for the past few weeks. Given that their goods were already transported for the said order they haven't acted out as of lately.

The Empress has requested your audience. She had been trying to reach out to you for a while now. She also wants to spend some time with Mistress. Young Master Aly said, he would accompany Master when Akira made her grand entrance." Siddharth looked up at him. Vishal shook his head. "They were Young Master Aly's own words, I had no part in saying anything on my own." Siddharth sighed before getting back into reading the documents and signing them. "I heard, I'll let you know when I can grant Mother Empress an audience. How's brother and sister in-law doing?"

Vishal promptly made use of his mouth. "They are doing very well Master. Little Fluff Bun is doing well too. They had once requested your audience too, Little Fluff Bun misses you Master." Siddharth stared at the documents in hand for a while, not saying anything. "Tell them, I will come to see them within two month's time." Vishal nodded and protruded out of Siddharth's study room. Looking back, he smiled in glee. "If Mother Empress wants to spend time with Midtress, then she would be more than happy to help out in my plans.."

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