You Ignite A Spark Within (Pt-1)

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Worry and anticipation racing inside of her and she found herself laying flat on the mattress with his lusty eyes that raked over her body. She settled down onto the mattress and quickly observed what he was doing. He took off his shirt and laid down between her legs. Moving slightly forwards and backwards, allowing her to feel just how much he wanted her right now. Avneet gasped out time and again when she felt him so close to her.

She held onto his shoulder blades with her shaky hands and closed her eyes to really feel in the friction between their two bodies. At the same time she didn't want what was happening, but only if she could convince her heart to not like his touches. His lips continuously ravaged her sensitive neck and shoulders while he grinds over her front, almost driving the woman that lay beneath him to a wild frenzy. Oh god! Don't tell me we will have sex?! I mean I just confessed! He should wait till I'm sure of what I'm feeling. Oh~ it feels good..~ Siddharth kept his pace minimal and gave her time to adjust to his frantic thrusts.

"M-Mr Nigam?!!.." She tried to remain sane and not lose herself into the pleasure that came by momentarily. He laxly took her top off and began sliding the stripes of her bra off her shoulders. He kissed her exposed skin, trailing the kisses down her arm. He picked up her left leg and brought it over to his lips, gently kissing her clothed thighs, and rubbing his rough hands over.

This was too much for Avneet, she didn't think she would be given this type of service so early. Not that she minds..but sex? Not yet! Her heart was beating frantically, and she didn't have the guts to really stop him. He was acting like an animal, a hungry animal. An animal on instinct to devour would never be kind it its prey. She tried to slide out of his grip, but the minute she did, his hands gripped her legs even harshly. Wincing in pain she looked up at him. Almost begging with her eyes. He ignored her eyes on him and looked elsewhere. Her exposed shoulder was inviting him again.

He did not hesitate to leave a few bite marks where her skin was exposed. I'm onto her, she's right in front of me, in all her glory..I don't know where to start! But then he stopped, looked at her helplessly and then got off of her. Avneet felt a little disappointed, but then realised she wasn't ready for what was to come, in a way it was good he stopped. "S-Sorry..! I didn't mean to behave like just happened.." Avneet still felt his presence over her

body, the way he just worked her up, her shrine was pulsating and waiting for his holy entrance. She felt all, but she did not say a word. I'm not ready yet.. "it's okay Mr Nigam..I too know it just happened.." she could tell he was blaming himself for the sudden, frantic behaviour of his. I can understand. I too wanted to feel him some more. Maybe, right now is not the best time..maybe when I feel so much more than just lust towards him.. She held herself

responsible for what she was feeling, and she was thick enough to admit she only lusts for him. As the author i can confirm that is not true, I've seen the way you look at him. You love every thing he does in front of you, you love it when his eyes blink, you love it when he stretches and his muscles flex, you love it even more when he moans slightly eating the delicious foods you make. You love everything about this man, why don't you just admit it?

"I don't have so much to say, and you only know a little about me..but I'll only let you off with these words..I love you Mrs Nigam..have, and will keep loving you..always." That mushy feeling inside of her heart that somehow arose, now began to occupy more space than decided upon. She felt giddy with his kisses, his touch was intoxicating. She made an honest mistake, she should've been more careful and set boundaries that he could not have crossed from the very start.

Unfortunately, or rather fortunately she did not. She's now experiencing a phase that she's never felt before. Intimacy, it was one thing her friend and her sister in-law always talked of, how their spouses made them feel like they were floating on cloud nine. Her situation was somewhat similar, expect..not so similar at the same time. She stared at his retreating self, who now scurried to pick up his dress shirt  and went out of the room.

If he didn't back off on his own, she knew too well that she would not have been able to stop him. She was in an almost drunken state, and it was impossible to say no to the good sensations he brought to her. If he hadn't stopped on time..she was sure they would most likely have had the 'skin to skin' conversation. The mere thought of it, though not was still a far fetched thing.

Sorry for the late chapter, but lately I haven't been in the right state of mind to write and post chapters. Surely with a little bit of nourishing my brain, it'll start working just fine. Hope you guys like this chapter ♥️😊

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