The Argument

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Avneet's POV
I was currently waiting for my dad to be finished with his meeting. A private one, in which he didn't allow me to participate. How could you father? How could you? Your own blood doesn't have the right to take over this empire you've built? I had so much on my mind right now, I wanted to cool off but seeing as I was wronged for this matter, and I am not one to back down; be it my cousin or my father, I couldn't.

I need answers, and i need them justified! I am and will always be the best to take over father's company. I have proven time and time that I am, no one but me is capable of handling the business. No one but I should be taking over and leading the company. It has been my dream ever since I regained my conscience. I wanted to make father proud by showing him that I am capable of working,

capable to handling his employees and leading our company to its peak..but unfortunately father doesn't trust that I can do it! Hell, he doesn't even want me to think about it! Why?.. And now? He's appointing some guy, a mere intern for that?! He shattered all my dreams in one move. I agree I am a woman, I can't lead, I should belong to the kitchen..but I have worked my way to where I am right now.

Mother was right..I should've just remained a proper, prim lady, who will dig herself a rich husband! "God I have a headache.." I was nearly finished with the work that's due next week, just a few final touches of statics and facts should complete it. Rubbing the space between my temple I sat on a couch in my father's office, trying to ease the bubbling sensation of pangs building up every passing second.

I sat with one leg on top of the other. I had still inherited my mother's primness, but I had more mind and heart for business, working in an environment that's of my interest. Not sit at home, bake cookies and tea, or cooking itself. My dad was and still is a hero to me, I've looked up to him ever since I could remember. His brilliant way of working, handling situations at the nick of the time,

having bagged deals before I can spell 'It'..that may be an exaggeration but that's how fast paced my father is, in business industry, we have rivals who try to take our clients away. Our company has the best reputation amongst everyone. When I say everyone, even our rival company the Rehmani Corporations praise my father behind our backs. And I take after my father, I have bagged deals, in fact many when I say I have.

But again and again, I was turned down, told to just keep to my financial services. I was and am still just a position away from my actual desired rank. The CEO. I sighed as I waited for my father to arrive at his office at the earliest possible. But seeing as I've been waiting since half an hour ago..seems impossible for the earliest I was talking about.

But soon, very soon I heard the office door open and in came my father, a smile on his face. "Princess? You? Here?" He questioned as he stood there staring at me. I walked up to him and side hugged him. He in return kissed my head. "Missing your father are you?" He joked with me. He can be a jokester if he wants to be.. putting that thought aside I untangle from his side and move to walk towards the couch again.

My heels clicking as I make way to the couch. I sat down like I was seated before, with one leg on the other. But my hands came for the play. I clutched them both and brought them to my kneecap to rest. Waiting like a lady. "How was the meeting?" I looked at him directly in the eye as I question him straight forward. He had a small smile on his face. "The meeting went just fine princess, but what are you doing here?"

He asked me as he removed his coat and hooked it on one of the hooks on the coat hanger. "I heard you appointed someone as the Cheif Executive Officer.." he looked me dead in the eye and smiled before answering. "Yes of course, the lad is nice, in fact he's just amazing, I can't believe he was working under me for that long, should've appointed him the first month of him working here, he was an intern here, but his work was impressive. Must say I'm very lucky to have him"

he had this spark in his eyes when he spoke so highly of him. I was gritting my teeth as I was listening to every single word coming out of my father's mouth. Didn't he feel even a little bit of shame when he said what he said in front of me?! I am appointed to a high rank in the company, a Cheif Financial Officer.. but it wasn't enough for my rank thriving mind. No it simply wasn't enough, I wouldn't stop working until I reached that higher position that I so desire.

"Why..?" I breath out. Looking almost out of the world. I just couldn't pin point why he wouldn't let me have the position? "Hmm?" My father hummed at me, he was asking me to repeat myself, and I will. "Why father? Why would you appoint someone else when I'm right here (pointing at myself eagerly) and have worked under you, have proved myself capable, I'm proficient, skilful, heck even a liable and experienced person..why wouldn't you chose me?"

Tears made their way to my face. I was slowly drowning in my sorrow, and the cause of that was a mere intern working at our company..trying to climb the ranks to get noticed! I heard a sigh escape my father's mouth. He turned to me, held onto my shoulders. "Princess? I know where you're coming from..but I can't let you handle this business, not because you're not skilful enough, or not

experienced in any way..simply because you're a woman, a woman must always be at peace, you shouldn't rake your head over what could be beneficial for the company, sure you're advices could come in hand but never stress yourself. I have only allowed you to work in my company because I care for you, I know what you want, but I'm sorry to say that that's all you will get from me. I may be a businessman but I'm also a will be married one day, and that day will be soon.."

What?! He's got to be kidding me! "I want my daughter to live the best life after marriage..I will brood no more arguments over this! I hope as a father's perspective you will understand and give up this nonsense dream of yours" Nonsense?! My dreams aren't nonsense! They were born because of you father! And they're shattering because of you too! "I..I will also brood no further comments about

my dreams father! I will show you just how capable I can be! And if that didn't can happily get me married!" I'm pissed, broken down with shattered dreams. But what I've said will be it. I'm a woman of my words. If I said I'll get married then I will! That is only if I failed to show father how efficient i am in this field. Which won't happen knowing I've learned from the best. I clapped my hands as I rejoiced in victory, this little argument of ours was a tough knot, but I know I can entangle it once I'm done working on my dreams.

Author's POV
"You can come out now, I can see your shoes" chuckled Amandeep Nandra as he asked the intern that had been hiding behind the curtains, peering and listening in to their conversations, and arguments. He had his eyes narrowed at the door, through which a certain brunette has left being all sassy and demanding. His eyes raked over her figure as she was busy sighing or tormenting her mind with countless thoughts..which he is right about.

He had an unknowing smirk settled on his face as he took in the whole situation. He stepped out, away from the huge curtains that were planted there to shadow the light coming in through a huge glass window, his smirk now vanished. "Sir, must you really appoint me when you have your daughter to help you out.." his question wasn't left hanging in the air, instead he got an immediate reply. "You must be kidding me Siddharth, I know I may be a nice person,

but I would never allow my daughter to enter in this cruel,(he took a pause before continuing) well, not so cruel but still, she must never step foot into what could be potentially dangerous for her, such matters are only handled and well taken care of by men..thus the position of CEO is very much suitable for you." He smiled at the lad who seems to be overwhelmed by his thoughts. As if he seems to be either battling the thoughts or contemplating them.

"Hello son, snap out of whatever you're thinking of right now, I need you to work on Mr Davidson's case, he's a client we made deal with in abroad, he'll come to visit the company within a month's time, as the CEO from now on, you must now handle all the issues, as the chairman I will also have a look at them, but I need all the support I can get" he smiled as he pat Siddharth's shoulder in a loving manner.

"Yes I understand and incline with what you said, and as the CEO from here on I will do my utmost best to help you out, if possible rid of any trouble for you sir" he let out with a gentle but proud manner. His tone of voice implied mannerisms, he was brought up well, and Amanadeep Nandra likes that very much. "Oh right, tomorrow you will be introduced to the staff as the new CEO, I want you to give it your best son!"

He simply wanted the best for the kid, but alongside that, his company will be in good hands and that was what mattered the most to Amandeep Nanadra after of course his family and now this man named Siddharth Nigam.

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