The Intern

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Avneet's POV
I couldn't sleep at all last night, then to make matters worse I received the employee message, which stated that 'Tomorrow the new CEO will be introduced, make sure to be there on time, and well presented' the same message was sent to all the employees working in the company. And due to the sudden news my much sleepy eyes were no longer sleepy, rather stapled open.

I rolled on my bed, stirring to my left and then to my right, repeating the same actions about three times yet I still couldn't get any sleep. Sleep was drained from my body, not a single drop of it was left within. "Whoever this new CEO is, will get the worst from me! And no doubt I'll have the position in the nick of the time." I muttered out, but I was having second thoughts, which was rather surprising as i've

never had second thoughts about anything. "Maybe because father didn't agree to me being the CEO, he's appointed someone and that someone had to be good and maybe possibly even a genius." Sighing I went back to trying to get sleep. But barely any, by the time I had managed to doze off to sleep, I was startled awakened by my alarm clock. I laid back in my bed seeing it's only 7:02... "it's 7:02?!"

I got startled even more as I sat up from my laying position. Smacked my face a few times before I rushed to the bathroom. Quickly I managed to brush my teeth, a quick fifteen minute shower, and have bread and jam before I dashed out the house. Mum was gone to her prim and proper ladies party, while dad being the workaholic must already be in the company by now. And as I settled myself inside my bmw I check the time on my wrist watch to see its 7:33. It takes me at least twenty minutes to get to the office, I would still have seven minutes to spare if I rush now. Which I Immediately did once the engine of the car revved to life.

I sped my way through the roads and made it before the clock strikes to 7:58, I rushed inside the office, had people greeting me, looking all well dressed. Which was good for the company's reputation even if it meant someone would rule over them for a short period of time, and that someone wouldn't be me. I got my coffee on the way to my office, and as I was about to walk to my office floor I bumped into a hard wall..a wall? The heck? It was empty yesterday!!

I look up to see hazel eyes staring at me with curiosity? I look further down to see his button like nose, and his cherry red plump lips. Unconsciously I gulped looking at them. Snap out of it Avneet. I was getting late to go to the office. "Can't you see where you're walking?!" with that said I left him there and rushed to my office floor, I dropped my coffee because of him, but right now was not the time to fret over it, I had to make my way to my office.

After a minute walk I was outside my office. I open it up and set all the things in my hands, which consisted of many things, many important documents, the keys, a marker, a specific flipped and marked/ highlighted single paper abstract that had information from top to bottom and back. Three files, two red coloured, ones that had to be read thoroughly while a blue one that was already half read and needed the last bits to be checked. I set them on my desk and check the time to see it's already 8:01. I quickly sorted my materials out, then made my way out to the company lounge.

This was where the meeting was to be held for the coming of the New CEO of the company. I couldn't help but grit my teeth over the whole matter. If it wasn't for that mere Intern, I would have been in his position! Sadly luck just wasn't on my side. As I made my way to the empty chairs, and occupied one on the front row. Is the meeting not being held here? Why is no one here? Am I at the wrong place? And on cue people started coming and taking their seats. Aren't they supposed to be here before me? I thought I was late..

Soon many more people piled in and took their seats the atmosphere began to look like of an award function. There were gossips and murmurs about the new CEO. "Have you heard, he's really quite young for the position, the new CEO." One of them tried to whisper but I could hear everything crystal clear and perfectly well. She needs to work on how to whisper. "Oh I heard he's really good with the work, that's

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