Mass Of Hatred

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Avneet's POV
I moved towards the seat where every other employee was sitting a few hours ago. Why did I have to be the last one introducing myself? Now nobody's in the room! "Finally, you're here" I heard him say as he settled himself down on the chair comfortably. A spark ignited in his iris and funny how I could see that. Gritting my teeth I answer "Yes..unfortunately" I let out soundlessly. He was a bit taken back, but he bounced back on. "So, your introduction?" He casually questioned me.

"Well, I'm the Cheif Financial Officer here, which means I have to report to you about every financial problem, solution, possible profits and loss.. (I kept on rambling as I was experienced to say) and then it hit me. OH NO!! I didn't think about that! I have to report to this cocky ass prick! Kill me already..I exclaimed loudly in my head. But from the expressions he had on his face I can tell he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Yes it seems to be that way..we'll spend more time with each'll warm up to me in no time." He spoke up..well with good intentions but I didn't take it so. I was angry about not having the position of the CEO in my father's company, and now he's rubbing salt on my wound by boasting about his position. "You!( I said pointing a finger at his face) You will not be the CEO for long, mark my words!"

He sighed before his right hand laced around my finger, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it slightly. I tried to jerk my finger out of his hand, but his hold on it was like steel. He brought it up to his lips again, this time opening his mouth and shoving my finger inside his mouth. I was lost for words, his tongue laced around my finger and coated it with his saliva. I tried once again to jerk it out of his mouth,

but to no avail he wouldn't even let my finger budge. "Hmm, you taste just as delicious as you look Avneet Nandra.." my eyes blinked up at him countlessly, my mouth wide open. This freak! Where did he come from..and how does he know me? I haven't yet introduced myself to him.. he closed his eyes and tilted his head upwards as he..I suppose tried to savour the moment. My finger felt ticklish, and i wish he would just let it out of his mouth.

God decided to hear me out. The next moment he took my finger out of his mouth. His hold on it still tight, and brought it up to my exposed neck and rubbed my finger coated with his saliva on various little areas. I gasped as I felt the cold wetness roaming my sensitive flesh. I looked at him and he seems to be enjoying himself. Directing my finger on my collarbone as he forcefully traced over it.

He took it a bit higher and that's when a huge gasp left me. He found my sweet spot.. having felt shame, I was just about to try and get my finger out of his grasp when he decided to do it on his own. "Oh! So you're the Cheif Financial Officer here, so very nice to meet you, we must be able to get along, for you will have to report to me about certain things." I looked at him as if he lost his mind. Why is he being so polite all of a sudden?

"Aha! that's the spirit my son, now you guys carry on I still have a meeting I must attend." Spoke my father from behind me, didn't take him long to take his leave either. Just like he came unnoticed, he vanished unnoticed. Ahhh this cocky ass prick..! "Remember my words, you won't be the CEO for long.." receiving a cheeky smile wasn't what I was expecting, not at all. But this bastard had the nerve to laugh at my words! I will crush you in the coming few days! Scoffing at his neutral behaviour I get up

from the chair and saunter my way to the cafeteria. Washed my hands at the washbasin in the toilet before heading out. It was 1:00 already, and I was famished. Getting my food from the counter I make my way to the very back, where a table is kept on my name. I make my way to seat myself and start eating. In the middle of finishing my meal I heard the chair in front of me scarping, as if somebody moved it.

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