Feeling The Void

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"No, don't wither like this! I want to see you wither..in my bed..underneath me..in a different way.." his luscious lips had a terrifying smirk plastered. How horrible was he to keep her feeling this way? He couldn't contain his hands to himself, yet he wouldn't do anything out of order either.

She lost control of her tears. "Meanie.." she softly mumbled. If he wanted to kiss her like a savage and feel her all over just to leave her feeling ostensibly restless and unable to touch him, if he's not a meanie then what is he? A soft grab turned harsh, and a gasp escaped her mouth. He tweaked her waist, littered her neck with hickeys but he would not get to the main ordeal.

This was probably the first time she ever felt so helpless in all her years of life. "Just..just love me already.." it wasn't powerful, her voice. It streamed to his ears like a cat pleading to be fed. Ah yes, his wild cat. "When the right time comes, I'll love you like no other.." his rough fingers gently caressing her arms, waking goosebumps on her.

She shivered subconsciously. "Liar.." the word rolled off her tongue with a little resentment.

She did not believe, after teasing her continuously and leaving her on the edge only to not have any satisfaction he will keep his promise of loving her when the right time did arrive. The man before her simply continued to smile coyly. His aura screamed mysterious. Ten times more then he previously was. A strong, intensive beam of internal power.

"You would believe when the right time comes.." she slightly scoffed. Maybe he was telling the truth, maybe he wasn't? As of present she was bullied by him, almost to the point of clambering his bed forcefully. But this man, this strangely powerful man didn't know what was good for him! He kept rejecting her.

"Siddharth-" before she could finish her words, his index finger calmly rest atop her lips, shutting her temporarily. He leaned towards her, her heart beats had increased. Her eyes calmly took him in with anticipation. She was excited. He was nearing her. He stopped himself just before her lips.

"When the right time comes..." *bang* the door to their private hotel suite busted open and a rain of bullets greeted them. Before the bullets reached her he carefully pulled her along and positioned her behind him so she could remain protected. "W-Wha-" as they came running to a corner, he pointed at a visible place on a wall. "Take that route, it'll safely take you back to Claw, tell him to take you home safely.."

Avneet's eyes widened. "No! I am not leaving you here to die!" She was strongly against his stupid yet sensible idea. "I'll be fine..you need to take cover.." she held onto his dress shirt sleeve as tight as a vice like grip. Tears pooled at her eyes again. "I'm not leaving you!!" This was final from her. She would not leave him! Why would she leave him?! He's-He's all she's ever discovered! She wasn't going to lose him so soon?!!

"Listen to me my beautiful! You will only slow me down! I have to act fast and with you around-" he paused, finding the right words to describe his feeling for her. "I'll be distracted.." his voice cracked at the end. She genuinely smiled at him. She finally got a gist of what he felt for her.

"So I'm a distraction?..like what?" She dared to question, with her lousy disposition she dared to question him. Her hair was messy from rolling in the bed sheets for too long. But she still managed to look as offensive and beautiful as she previously was.

Her authority had been displayed before many arrogant women who set him eyes on him. How dare they covet what's mine?

She seethed deep inside, but kept her jealousy hidden to the back of her head. She knew if she acted impulsively again, she would risk his life. His eyes grew dark and a grunt followed from the back of his throat. "Now is not the time to flirt! Take this route and get to Claw as soon as possible and take cover!!" Before he pushed her out of his sight, she stood on her tippy toes and planted her lips on his.

His hands instantly wrapped around her waist. His hands pulled her close, so close that he wanted to immerse her into him. Alas, that was not possible.
Also even if he did conduct to immerse himself within her or vice versa, now was just not the suitable time.

With their heads on the line, he had to act cautiously and get her out of here safe and sound. How brave to act impetuously in front of death's door..however none of the two pressed bodies seem to give a flying fu*k! Avneet knew they would come out victoriously even if another war ensued. She was basking in pride, i mean who wouldn't if their husband was- startled by the sudden ringing of her phone she finally departed from her illusion.

Then she stared at the tv screen. The movie kept playing, the heroine parted ways with her lover and crossed her way and walked inside the covered route that appeared after a special touch on a button.

Red faced, Avneet buried her face into her hands. "Ah, it's one of the bloody illusions again!.." recently she has been having too many of these.

She didn't forget the ringing phone thus she picked up the phone and put it to her right ear. "Avneet.." this voice had become the most consistent. "He's not in 'S' country either.." a tremor rose and fell from her back. She rubbed the space between her brows and sighed heavily. "How many more days?.." and her father proceeded to inform her "Just one more week, all the places we had in mind have been thoroughly checked and yet not even a sight of him."

Just a week, if he is successfully found in one week, she'd be in a wonderful mood, however, if he isn't brought back and not a single sight of him by the next week..they'd have to issue a notice for him.

"Alright, keep me updated.." she pressed the decline button and threw her phone aside, where? She couldn't care less. "Three months..three months have passed ever since I've arrived back..where have you gone?.." she could feel another sense of loss biling up, her heart heart slightly, pain flashed by her eyes.

Ever since she had arrived, she had taken up the responsibility of a CEO, this position that she perpetually pined for, is now within her grasp..but something is missing. She feels empty inside. Sure she's signing papers at the daily, having meetings, discussing ways to improve the business, and taking in suggestions of employees to implement into the business.

All those pieces of her puzzle to make her happy yet she is still missing a piece. That piece, was undeniably the man who she despised, admired and has now come to terms with, with significant amount of love harbouring inside her heart.

She sighed whole heartedly, things at present begin to look and feel unbearable.

She had decided to place her trust on him.. he would not break it right?.. he wouldn't! He wouldn't treat her the way he did if he wanted nothing but to bed her. He wouldn't be left her. The thing now is that he's left..but without bedding her.

"Did he ever intend to-" her face grew red again. She couldn't bring herself to say it, but she had to eventually. "..to bed me? Or did he just think I was interesting and unusually different from other girls who might fawn over his handsomeness? No! No that is no possible!" She's see seen and felt the love he had for her. She's just confused. She's clearly not proud of their small interactions, if she knew he would disappear like this out of the blue and not return to her at his said due date..she wouldn't have let him go! She would've held him back!

Hello lovely readers, apologies I haven't been feeling well lately and I haven't had the time to be on my phone for a while now. Still awfully sick, but my condition is endurable, therefore I got to Wattpad today and decided to write up a chapter for you guys. I hope you guys like it. Apologies again as I wasn't able to update at the regular times. Enjoy~ ^•^✨

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