Mr And Mrs Nigam

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Avneet's POV
All mine he says..but I can't imagine him ever being anything but a nuisance to me. "I'm not yours..!" he looked square in my eyes "I never said you were..I said I am don't have to be mine for me to be yours Mrs Nigam.." Dulcet..these were his words. Any other lady would be swooning over him by now, even I would be if I didn't know his true intentions. His jollity would win everyone over..but there's something wrong about him, I can just feel it.

What was that code he broke? 277BB.. what are these codes for? Who's Klaud and who's Marcus..? I have the jitters with this guy around me. He's so mysterious, so illegible. It irks me how he's able to live like this, without being found out, as the cunning fox he is. His eyes are so deep..whenever I look into his eyes it's as if a huge storm is brewing deep within. He's structurally very beautiful.

Every single inch of him is carved like those of Greek gods. He's almost perfect, and it irks me. He's slowly making his way into my life..into my mind! The fact that I'm starting to think about him continually makes me shudder. I think my thought process is running out of hands. "I know you said I was not allowed to touch you..but you must have mercy on're like the drug I can't seem to focus out of..I just want more of you.." is he being an iota serious?

He's got to be joking..right? I admit I'm pretty..but how can one be so obsessed with someone? Is he obsessed with me? "So forgive me if I kiss you like that..or touch you out of the blue..or want to fulfil my desire of feeling you against me..or simply lose myself to lust and have you embroiled..and our bodies enmeshed.." I gaped at him. He has no shame! I stepped back a few times before I try to make a run upstairs to my room.

His large hands, prehensile, caught my wrist and slammed me back to the wall again. His arms caged me from both sides. "I wasn't done yet.." his dark eyes fell on me, and I cowered back into the wall, gulping the heavy lump lodged in my mouth. He's scary. Before he found out I was eavesdropping, his tone of voice wasn't kind, back in the office the other times I've noticed him scowl and almost swear on his phone.

A raucous growl erupted from the back to his throat. "I'm hungry...and for you this time..didn't I tell you I wanted to taste that sweet flesh of yours Mrs Nigam..?" He did. He really did. He lowers down to my ears. "It's too early, the meantime these sweet lips would do" "Y-You're crazy..!" His right hand wondered down to my waist and back, pulling me close to him. "Ah yes...that I am Mrs Nigam.."

he wiped the sweat beads off of my temple with his other hand. "Are you afraid of me Mrs Nigam..?" Of course I'm afraid of you! And can you stop calling me that?!! "You gave rise to my fear..y-you should be held responsible!.." "My, and how would you hold me responsible Mrs Nigam?.." that cheeky smile was up on his face. He thinks I'm joking doesn't he? I've said it before but now I should put this into action.

"I'm going to be installing cameras inside the house, so no more funny business.." "No cameras should be installed inside the house..only will i romance my wife without privacy Mrs Nigam?" Maybe because you shouldn't be romancing you're wife with privacy Mr Nigam! "Stop joking, I'm not taking any chances with you!" "In that case I do not have to be genteel and romance you in private..I'll do it out in the open..bestowing kisses to you as I please, kindly taking advantage of does that sound to you Mrs Nigam?" I glared at him.

The nerve of this guy! "It sounds awful to me Mr Nigam!" "Well, either you drop the idea of installing cameras inside the house, or be prepared to be romanced out in the open, within the sight of the cameras.." he gently smiled as he dropped the heavy words onto me. He's so annoying!! Can he not do this? Why is he acting so childish?! "Fine! cameras.." "That's a good girl.." he pat my head, lowering down to me eye level. "I know you didn't

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