Long Held Divulgence

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Drowned out, that's what she felt. She also drowned out the world, the only ones present for her were herself and him. His hands that travelled over her body, his lips that never left hers. She was in ecstasy, she's never felt like this way before. Time was running out and so was his patience. He was so close to making her his but, there was a 'but' in his story. He couldn't so much as touch her anywhere else because it would truly free the beast he's been trying to keep in control.

"Why do you breath like this?.." Siddharth felt concerned seeing her losing her breath. That's because you're kind of taking my breath away sir! How am I supposed to breathe normally while you're still devouring my mouth?! Her cheeks painted pink. Siddharth saw her blushing and he couldn't help the flutter his heart gave out. Cute He took a hold of her and flipped them over, now she lay on top of him while he was beneath her.

Her hands trembled and gave in, her head rest on his chest. She could hear his heart beat, and just like the last time, his heart beat was rapid. A genuine and sure smile adorned her face. She kept her ear on his chest, and listened to his heartbeat. It gave a strong sense of calm to her, like this place, where she was right now, was meant for her. But what's with his behaviour? Bipolar handsome prick.. Siddharth laid with her on top of him, the silence was sweet.

The small amount of desire he felt vanished when she laid her head on his chest. He felt immensely happy to see her looking ever so comfortable with him. "Be mine.." his words confounded her for a while as she contemplated what to do. Then flashback of the time she met him to today subtly displayed before her eyes. A mere intern, with so much potential.. I hated him, I hated him so much for taking the CEO's position from me..but he

doesn't make me feel bad, In fact, though his actions might be weird, he's still quite a gentleman. In all these times I've been with him he's never once made me cry my heart out, nor did he compel me to force my father to break off this marriage for some other reason.. he might be used to feeling me but he's never once forced me to get intimate.. he's not that type of man..except i still kind of resent him a little

for taking the CEO's position from me..but that can be explained. Father never really trusted me enough to hand me over the reigns to the company.. he's not at fault here..just slightly..maybe?.. I should know that CEO's position Is now hard to get because of my father.. but it's alright, I'm kind of finding some solace in not handling the tough work that a CEO must do.. therefore..I can try and give this relationship a go..right?..

"Okay.." just as Siddharth had gotten used to the silence, he heard her reply, for a second he didn't react, but when he finally inscribed in his mind what she said, he jerked his head to look up at her brown locks. "What?.." She lifts her head up to look at him too. "What did you say?.." his breath heavy, voice raspy and breathy. She looked at him concluding the answers in her head before opening her mouth to utter out what she had to say.

"I said..okay..I'll be yours..but you have to be mine too, and mine only." Siddharth's eyes sparkled in excitement and joy and his heartbeat had accelerated, she could feel it. "Mine..you are willing to be mine?.." Avneet nodded her head, she felt a sense of pride and joy over how he reacted to her simple answer. Maybe that's what he needed.. "You will be my one and only forever?!.." he rushed to hold her hands and excitedly looked at her, waiting for her answer.

Avneet exclaimed at how he transformed from a sought out adult to a kid who hoped to be granted some sweets. His sweets were her answers, he wanted them, no, he needed them. "Yes..I'm willing to be your one and only forever.." I know this is no heat of the moment thing..I do feel for him that way. Or why would I want to crave his lips so much?.. I do like him, and possibly maybe more than just like him..and it's not impossible to say I

love him..but I need time to really clarify what I feel for him..is it like..or love? "I..I need time to sort out my feelings because..I don't know what I feel anymore..your kisses, your touches, your affection towards me, all of this..it all feels good..but I-" "Take as much time as you want..but remember one thing, I need a reason to live..and that reason has become you.." there was a hint of water in his eyes. Is he..crying?

Avneet felt her heart beat nearly drop at the sight of him silently crying. Begging her with his words, gently coercing her not to leave him, and that if she was to leave..she would take his reason to live with her. He gently pecked her lips, and opened his mouth ever so slow to tell her what he has been wanting to for years. "I love you Mrs Nigam..I love you so much" Avneet's heart strings strummed and her eyes began to wonder slightly.

This..h-how... He brought her over for a tight hug, her soft body fragrance filling up his nose. While the similar could be said about Avneet, his strong cologne lingered around her. Lust aside, she was all he ever wanted, all he ever dreamt of ever since he found her. I don't want to let you go..not again. Coming out of the hug he pressed his lips against hers again. He could never get enough of these lips, they belonged to him, and he was the sole owner of them.

Others dare make a move on her, they won't live to see another sun and moon. Avneet opened her eyes to look at him. His forehead was covered with worry lines, eyes shut close. She's not mental but ..he looks kinda cute.. Avneet used her free hand to comb through his hair, Siddharth opened his eyes to look at her and see what was going on. She was warmly gazing at him and was brushing the baby hairs away from his forehead.

She smiled into the kiss at him. He returned her smile with an even bigger smile into the kiss. He broke the kiss off and latched his lips onto her cheeks, lightly pecking her. She closed her eyes once again to feel his lips on her skin. By the time he was done with her, she was left with wanting more of those life sucking kisses of his. Like previously, she had turned soft. The moment she opened her eyes and looked at him 'that' way, she knew then,

that she could never look at him the same way again. She hogged up all the space on his lap. Looking into both his eyes intensely, then looking down at his lips again. Maybe it was the way she was looking at him, or the way he was feeling, he just couldn't handle not having to do anything anymore. So he picked her up by the waist and walked off to god knows where.

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