Must Have

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A bit of violence and slight mature content

At present, she knew she was going to be indulged in against her will. Before he could do more she gathered all her courage and kicked him in his lower abdomen.

Lightly grunting he turned to the other side, his hands let go of her and clutched his lower abdomen. It was too close to where he didn't want it to be. Her kick wasn't light, had she only been an inch close he probably wouldn't be able to produce offsprings ever in this life. She took this chance and thought of escaping with the bed sheets wrapped around her, unfortunately her struggle and efforts were for naught.

It was all but a speck of luck that doused down too quick for her liking. She was caught by him before she stepped down the bed. He forced her jaw open and kissed her. She felt a solid object pressed to her tongue and the force of his tongue on hers. He gave out more strength so she could not resist or try to move her face away.

With the way she was being heavily kissed, she would soon run out of breath if he didn't stop kissing her now. So she raised her hands and began pounding his chest. But no matter how much she pounded his chest, her touch was not the least registered to him. He pressed the back of her head close, forcing her to nearly faint from the lack of breath.

It was too much for her to handle, so she forced herself to swallow the foreign object in her mouth. She hoped he would let her go now. If his objective was to let her swallow the pill then he should be setting her mouth free. The very horrifying attempt felt like the beginning of something terrible. It was. He didn't let her go until her limbs felt limp.

Until she felt groggy and dizzy. She wasn't in a stable condition, but she willed herself to move away from him as soon as he let her go. She could only make it to the edge of the bed before she fell down to the ground. The bed sheets scarcely covering her naked body. Her smooth, long legs were uncovered by the bed sheet, her arms and collarbones were already on display. She trembled continually.

As she lay on the ground stomach first, she grunted at her fall. But more so for the strange way her body was reacting after swallowing that pill. She felt hot, sweaty and wished to get rid of the bed sheet covering her, but she knew better not to. At least for the time being, her senses were still fluctuating, still present, maybe just a little but still there. "Hot~..I feel hot~" hearing this, the man lazily got down the bed and squatted down before her.

There was a contented smile on his face. "What did you hope to achieve by getting away from me?.." he sounded cocky, as if she could never get away from him if he wouldn't allow it. Right now, his words weighed heavy, which augmented to his cocky behaviour. Avneet grit her teeth and forced herself to speak. "What d-did you giv-e m-me?!!" She wanted to reach out to slap him, but her body had gone limp.

She couldn't move, and she couldn't force herself to move. So trembling as she was, she was trying to hold out for as long as she could before she would slump to the ground. "Sedative.." his one word answer angered her some more. His eyes looked at her in a provocative way. He wanted to anger her more so she could exert the last bit of strength she had in her, then it would be easy to 'exercise' with her. "B-Basta-rd!!"

She glared at him, pushing herself to move ahead so she could get a hold of him but she felt her energy depleting at a rapid speed. That did it for her. Her strength was lost the second she raised her voice, and forced herself to move further. Her last bit of energy sapped away from her and she fell to the ground. "Tch, would it have killed you to cooperate on your own?..what a terrible plight you got yourself into.." though he spoke those words, his tone was of a pleased person's.

He couldn't wait to get her back to the bed again. Avneet tried to speak again, but her voice was lost. She was conscious, but without much strength and her voice. Wasn't this just the perfect plan? She was mute but not dead. She could feel and see but could not touch him. He reached out his hands and picked her up in his arms, the bed sheet on her body loosely hanging, temping him to tear it away from all over her.

It was true, a naked body doesn't tempt you as much as a slightly covered body does. He proceeded to put her back on the bed. After that, he didn't wait a second long before he took the bed sheet off of her. "Now, how should we go on about this?" He talked more to himself than to her. She glared at him, half panicking and half angrily. This insolent rogue! He raised his hands and rest them atop her thighs.

Caressing her gently, building up the mood a little. She was genuinely very sensitive, and now she was on the verge of collapsing because she felt too much. Ah, the sedative enhanced her sense of touch. The man kept looking at her. He wasn't admiring her, although it was a fair thing to say she was a beauty. He was waiting, waiting for the time her last bit of sense snapped and she brushed herself as a pleasurer.

Roughly five minutes later she spoke "Must-Ah~ have..b-body contact~!" This drug was very unique on its own. It was like an aphrodisiac, but less stronger. It focused 87% of its strength into making the person horny and turning their mind blank. It attacked the nerve that affects the other nerves that works to arouse. While the remaining percentage of strength was focused on making the person numb before the real deal began.

She reached out to hold onto his face and without a second thought she leaned in for a kiss. Although he didn't like that a stranger kissed his lips, overall with her attitude he let her take control for now. She ached to press her body against him, she wanted to feel him. It was all the after affect of the drug he forced her to swallow. But to those people who had no idea she was forced to feel this way, it looked as if she was willingly giving herself to him. As if she was the one who was seducing him.

She pulled him close to her by his dress-shirt collar. Without another second to spare she began to unbutton his dress-shirt for him. The man seemed relaxed, he was enjoying a good show. In a moment's time the real affect of the drug would show. He was waiting for that to happen before he took any further actions. True to his words, roughly two minutes later the woman before him suddenly closed her legs in desperation.

A long expressed moan escaped her velvety lips. She looked back up to him, her eyes were slightly teary and she couldn't wait to have him. She made a crying expression and reached out her hands to the zipper of his pants. Fully aware of the affects of the drug, the man was still surprised by her straightforward behaviour. Then again, it was what he wanted to achieve, he soon schooled his shocked expression. This was what he was waiting for!

But before he could do anything immoral to her his phone rang, the sound startled the both of them, breaking the sexual tension between the two for a while. The man reached out to his pants and took out the phone. Seeing the caller ID on the phone he was displeased. Even then, he picked up the call. He walked away from the bed and stopped by a corner in the room. "Yes?.." his tone was cold, and the person who was on the other line was aware of his attitude so they didn't mind.

"Won't you greet your fiancé with some love Mr Nigam?" The female voice was smooth and soothing, but it was still a nuisance to him. "Yes, Akira. Do you have something you wish to say to me?" He became rather gentle in a span of five seconds. Akira who was the other person on the phone felt happy to hear his gentle voice. Even though she would hear his gentle voice, she wished it wasn't the second time, when she had to tell him on her own to be nice to her.

Nevertheless, it was a huge progress from how it was in the past. He wouldn't even bother picking up her phone, let alone sparing a glance her way whenever she came to visit him. It hurt to see her fiancé being so cold to her, because it was a known fact that Siddharth would be her fiancé for as long as she could remember.

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