You Little Disaster

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The man closed and locked the door behind him. He had swiftly cut off the only exit for her. The alarms in her head went off, she staggered two steps closer to him, but wanting to pass him and find her way out. However, the man gripped onto her wrist and forced her to stand in front of him. Her wrists shot up with pain. Though clumsily, she swayed from right to left as she tried to keep a balance and remain in front of him.

His eyes, they were the same hypnotic hazel eyes she longed for for the past ten months. Her heart, at the sudden realisation began throbbing wildly. She reached her hand out to pull the mask away from his face. The man sensing her intention blocked her hands reaching his face and twisted her arm in mid air.

In pain, she yelped and struggled to come out of his grip. "What..W-Where am I?.." she slurred on her words. It was evident she was heavily influenced with the help of an unknown substance.

The man sneered. "Soon in my bed.." his hot breath blew over her ear, causing the already red ears to turn a shade deeper.

She stumbled as she tried to distance herself from the man. It wasn't the same voice she was longing to hear no matter how much the eyes said it was him. The man held her trembling hands and pulled her close to him again. With a swift move, the ribbons on her dress came undone and her dress now hung loosely on her bosoms.

He took a hold of her hands and guided her out of the dress, soon, the dress hit the floor with a soft thud. Her eyes widened at the feel of cold air brushing against her hot skin. She tried to pick up her dress and put it on herself.

Without much force, she was, once again, pulled into the man who stared at her with his eagle eyes. His gaze terrified her. "W-What do you w-ant to do?! I-I-I'm a married woman!.." the man sneered once more. Taking pleasure in her plight. "Interesting.." his deep voice ensued. "Is it now?.." then why are you, a married woman found here, in Marks, the club that is famously known for its reputation as the bad kind?.." his mocking eyes matched his words.

Avneet trembled witless, staring deep into his eyes, all she sensed was danger.

His voice was too deep to be Siddharth's. Afraid something wrong will happen to her, she tried to struggle out of his hold, even going so far as to kick him but all to no avail. She was helplessly shackled in his grip. "I-I'm really a married woman!!" As she said her sentence she noticed her breath didn't smell like it was full of alcohol, but in fact, there was no strange alcoholic smell on her tongue.

She narrowed her eyes in confusion. If she is not drunk then why is she swaying and acting like she is drunk? As if on cue a sudden wave of heat stroked her insides again. This time, it was stronger then the previous one. She found herself dumbstruck. She felt hot all over, her breath could be seen forming into mist. She figured that it was good in a way that her dress was not on her body, or else she would rip it apart herself.

She stared further into space as her ragged breaths produced mist. She looked up to see the strange but domineering man. "W-What did y-you do to m-me!??" She raised her voice fearfully. She swayed once again, this time uncontrollably landing into his arms. He smelled different from Siddharth! He is not Siddharth! However, as strange as that sounded she found comfort in his arms. Without her realising she nestled deep into his chest.

Completely ignoring the fact that she was left with nothing but her undergarments on. The man confused, stared at her curvy figure firmly pressed against him, he stiffened. He felt her body warmth spreading through every inch of his body, suddenly an urge to pull her close arose. Unexpectedly, he did not pull her close, rather pulled her away from him.

He now had a close up view of her. Her beautiful face complimented her gorgeous body. She was nothing like he'd ever seen before. A pair of coffee brown eyes stared at him languidly as the drugs took affect, but a tinge of fear was still very much evident in her eyes. He liked that. A prey had better be scared witless! A set of pearly whites peeked at him as her rose petal like lips opened and closed without pausing. For a moment he couldn't control the sudden urge to taste those lips. Besides pure looking, they looked edible, soft and tender to the touch.

Her gaze hazy, yet an innocent spark in them. They seemed to pull him into the depth her eyes held.

She was hot due to the aphrodisiac he had the driver inject into her body just after she knocked out. He needed his job to be simple, and that decided her.

Her beauty coupled with her mesmerising body enthralled him, he felt heat spread all over and instantly blood rushed to his nether region, that slowly began twitching.

He hauled her over his shoulders and walked over to the bed. Avneet felt too drowsy to know anything, but the mask was so close to her, she could just pull it off his face. However, before she could bring herself to lift her hand up to snatch the mask away from his face she was thrown onto the king sized bed that laid in the middle of the room. She bounced twice before settling onto the mattress.

She didn't have the time to turn around and glare at the man when she felt her bra being unhooked and casually taken off of her chest. She wanted to scream, but she had no strength left in her voice. So she tried to struggle out of his hold once again, resulting in nothing but her being more lenient to his touch. She just watched as the man began to undress her completely.

Following that, when her underwear that had been pooled to her feet were taken off and thrown somewhere far into the room did she come to realise in how much danger she was. She's about to lose her virginity to a stranger. How humiliating, but more so, heart wrenching. She wanted to give her virginity to Siddharth, her pledged husband.

Tears pooled at her eyes.

The man had no care for her tears, or the little struggle she puts every once in a while. He quickly took his clothes off and found that the quicker he took his clothes off the eager he became for the night. She was after all one pretty thing. He glanced at her again and his eyes darkened. Staring at her full of lust as if to say "So pretty and fuckable..!"

Avneet brought one hand to her chest, and the other trying to cover her nether region. She wanted nothing to do with this man. Who was he? Where did he come from? How does he know her? Or did he just randomly kidnap her to satisfy his needs? That is to say, if she were to try and escape now it would be equivalent to her walking into the trap further more as she was barely in her senses.

Earlier on she noticed an opening to take his mask off, but now this cunning man had sealed that opening off. "W-Who are y-you!?!" She slurred on her speech once more. The man looked at her, focusing on her now, while he undressed. "That's for me to know and for you to never find out.." his words made her panicked. She frantically looked around, searching for an escape.

Then she noticed the objects kept on the table, a clock, a vase, a disc and a few pebbles for decoration, all small in size. In desperation she swung her hand forwards and with great difficulty she managed to pick up all the objects to occupy her hand. Then one after the other she hauled them at him. Glaring at him as she cursed him in her head.

Bastard! Imbecile! How dare you try to defile me?!! You don't have the right to! Once all the items in her hands were thrown at him, she was left empty handed, with nary an injury caused to the man. He had swiftly dodged all the hauled items in her hands.

Now he stared intensely at her. The little cut made on his cheek by the flying disc was nothing, but still. She was too troublesome!

"Who a-are you?! Go a-away!!" She managed to utter these two sentences before feeling the sudden need to drink some water. The man stared at her for half a day before slowly leaning down to her ear. "You aren't qualified to make me go little disaster" having him so close to her and feeling his hot breath on her ear as he spoke in his husky voice made her stomach turn upside down. Dejected she closed her eyes. She was going to lose her virginity to this man. There was no other way about it.

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