I'll Trust You..

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"Father..this week has also passed, and he's..still not here.." oh how the turn tables. She was yearning for him. She was yearning for him.

Affirmative, there was still no sign of him, not a single phone call was made to her during this week as well. With nary an idea she decided to turn to her father. Only he would be able to tell her something now. "I don't know Avneet, I really don't know anymore. I thought I had a clue where he might be..but he, he's not there.." "Where?! Where did you think he could be?" She frantically asked him,

schooling her forlorn expression and a light of hope shone in her eyes. He could be there, he has to be! He can't disappear like that! Maybe father didn't look for him good enough, yes, that's the reason he has not found about him yet. She began fornicating thoughts and making herself believe that it had to be the truth. She could not go on living like this. Little did she know..

"I thought he was in France.. we have a client situated in France and he had requested for a meeting previously, as the CEO Siddharth knew that naturally, I thought he was there..but I had my men look for him and there is not a single sign of him in France..not a speck of his hair could be found.." when she heard the name France, she did not feel any spark. At least not the type she was expecting it to be.

France, it just didn't make her feel a bit of clue. He's not there..I can just feel it..he's not there.. "I have my men on the look out for him, we'll find him soon child..don't worry..." the words her father said, were not able to console her.

She could not calm her mind. He's not here, he's not in France..where is he?.. her expressions soon mimicked her previous ones, the ones she had schooled upon hearing where he might be. "Did he just disappear on us like that..?"

She scoffed feeling exhausted. Drained somehow.

No, no, he can't be gone like this! But why? Why does it now feel so real, why does it now feel that he was here to walk the Earth and now he's gone..? Why? Why, if he had to go, why did I meet him? Why did he stir emotions in me?! Why?! She shouldn't react like this, just a week has passed and she might be surprised at his visit the next week.

She was no fool. He hasn't called her when he told her he would, on his own. She called, but he didn't pick up. His phone, always switched off, and no calls received back. What could this possibly mean? She hung up on her father instantly. She sided her phone on the bed. "Why?..why?!.." she held onto her head and gave a low cry of hurt.

Her tears slowly began to stain her cheeks, the lovely red she had when she blushed thinking of him now gone, replaced by the pale, white sheet like complexion. "Did he just..leave like that?.." she didn't want to mourn, but she didn't know why? She was mourning, grieving over her loss. Yes, her loss. "So all this time..you've been playing me?.. and now that you're gone do I finally realise how attached I am to you.." finally, her last barrier broke and she began bawling her eyes out.

Her eyes stung, but she could not stop herself. She missed him, quite dearly. His presence, she missed it. His endearing look, the way he held her pinned with his eyes alone, she was missing it.

She was missing it all, all that he disclosed before her, whether it was a part of him or not, she missed him. She misses him. He had become a part of her life, one that she could not live without having to see at least a few times in order for her day to go well. Sadly, he was now going to come back anymore...or was he? She wanted him to. They hadn't even entered the phase of a 'married couple'.

Living with him felt like living with a roommate, an absolute handsome, intellectual, awe inspiring, bulky built of a guy who knew how to infuse her life with sweet trouble. The sweet trouble she would on the surface hate him for, but deep inside she liked having been entangled with him. He brought her a sense of protection, he made her feel like she was appreciated. She was slowly beginning to see herself a few years ahead of time, accompanying him where ever he had to be, like the sweet little wife every man desired.

She felt like she wanted to be with him every step of the way, paving a better future for the both of them, for their future selves. She wanted him next to her, she wanted him to make her feel even more loved.

But..is that ever going to happen now? "Maybe he's not playing me..maybe I was the only one wanting to play him.. why does he seem so innocent right now? He could be out doing so much and here I am..defending him.." she nearly scolded herself but she felt what she said was right.

He has got to be in big trouble if he hasn't made it back yet. Seeing how sincere his smiles were, his eyes showed nothing but pure admiration whenever he looked at her, she decided to trust in him. A relationship is built on trust..I can do that much.. she lay back onto the bed. Gently caressing her arms.

Feeling that he should be the one caressing her arms instead. "Being without him feels awfully suffocating now.." she had a tinge of a smile on her face. "I'll confront him..even if I have to go to the darkest pits of hell.." at that, her phone that lay deserted on the bed buzzed, indicating an incoming call. Avneet wiped her tears and sat up picking her phone to see it was her father.

A light disappointment flashed through her eyes, but forgetting that she picked up his call. "I've booked a return ticket for you, be sure to take the flight tomorrow and return to home safely.." "Alright.." she hung up on him. She didn't want to leave this place. She didn't want to leave here. Though only few, but she had memories of the two. These memories had become so precious and she didn't want to leave now. Leaving now felt like a million needles pricking her wind pipe, she could hardly breathe thinking of leaving this heavenly place.

A place that was openly free just for the two of them. But at the very moment, only she remain in this haven, completely forlorn and craving for her soulmate's touch. Things had to end, though she didn't expect like this. She will leave now, but she won't rest in peace until she found him. Added to, when she does, she'll be back with her soulmate to spend a blissful honeymoon, in this very place.

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