Stay The Night

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Okay so I decided not to include Addyshfa in this book, but would you guys be down for an Addyshfa book? lemme know k?

Avneet was swept away with the "concern" in his eyes and his voice. She tightened the hold she had on his hands. "When are you leaving?" She moved closer to him, inching closer to his face. Siddharth, he very honestly turned around and spoke. "I should be leaving tonigh-" there was a slight nmph sound that emanated from him, it wasn't loud but the only two people in the room heard it loud and clear. Siddharth was absentminded when he felt soft lips over his own. His eyes narrowed at her. She was being too bold these days. He swiftly pulled away, leaving a dumbstruck Avneet behind, who instantly opened her eyes the second she felt nothing against her lips. She looked at Siddharth, as if she was wronged. Siddharth stared at her indifferently. His mind was a chaos. If he let lose now, there was no saying when he will find himself free and proceed with his plan. The vixen before him looked like she could not get enough of him, and truth be told, with that look of hers, even he could not easily let his desires die down, but he could also not let her have her way. It was just how it was supposed to be.

He quickly undraped the duvet from him and stood up, getting off of the bed. Avneet was baffled. Why was he behaving this was all of a sudden? Did she do something? What had she done?! She thought to herself and began jogging her memory, looking for the past few minutes, what had she done to make him angry? He put on his shoes on, in a relative pace. Avneet could not understand. "Don't try to seduce me at a time like this, I have other matters at hand. If I get wind up in you and don't leave, I'll have more problems to face." He made his point pretty clear, he won't stay. Avneet understood the reason why he was being distant. At that, even though she truly wanted him to stay, he had his own reasons, he wanted to leave. She sighed out "I understand.." she wasn't mad, nor was she sad, instead she was flipped. He had just casually threw out those words, she was flipped. What was it again? He said if he got wind up in her, he would have more problems to face. This was clearly stating that once he started, there was no holding back. Not just, time would skip, and, and that meant hours of love making.

He would be thoroughly immersed in her, he would have to face more problems on top of the already piled ones. She blushed at her own thoughts. Was she being complimented? Did he say that she could keep him in bed for as long as she wanted? Did that mean he was whole heartedly devoted to her? If this was the case, she was jostled from head to toe, thoroughly. "Stay the night.." she hoped to spend more time with him, though his work was more important. You can't really blame her for being a little selfish, ever since she has 'found' him, he has been too distant with her. To be able to start a better relationship with him, she needed time, secrets, thinking, love and trust. Yet all she's ever experienced is him turning heavy on her body. Despite that, there were times he would show a glimpse of his love for her. But those were glimpses, she couldn't capture such specks of memories, when she found it hard to even remember  what transpired. She glistened with want, need and the desire that churned inside her belly. Then a thought came over her mind.

"The little one..would want to receive both parents' love..if you stayed for a just a night.." she drawled on, she knew perfectly well what she was doing, emotional blackmail. Siddharth looked at her, his expression was a bit stunned. She was cunning. He gave a soft snicker before taking his shoes off and getting in the bed with her. "The little one would indeed want that.." Siddharth looked over her, his clear eyes suddenly turned cloudy. "..but the little ones' father wants the little ones' mother right now.." a cold glow flashed by his eyes. She invited him herself, he wasn't to be blamed. Before Avneet could reply to him, which would've been her consent, she was already pressed under Siddharth. A shy look passed by her face, she may be acting a bit spoiled for his attention, but she was very shy and timid when he began moving against her. His natural manly aura suppressed her woman, he subdues her with a bit of gentle force. She reached her hands out and cupped his face, looking at him fondly with a beautiful smile on her face. Wow, this scenery was a bit more than just mesmerising. Siddharth found himself lowering down to her lips.

In an instant she was enveloped with his manliness, he had captured her mouth and began to feed off of her lips. Her hands on his face still remained. She basked in the love he gave her. Moving along and away from her lips, he began to softly kiss the sides of her throat and shoulder blades. "This is getting in the way.." Siddharth murmured onto her shoulder blade before unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it down her torso, revealing her black laced bra, that cupped her fair skinned perking peaks. He leaned down further into her, her body fragrance was swimming around his nostrils, drilling deep into his mind, tantalising his senses. He hesitated to move as he kept staring at her cupped breasts. He was really stunned shocked with what his mind was thinking. She's a flower..crush her! Break her apart petal by petal.. he shook his head mid looking at her. What the hell was he thinking? If he dared to crush her, he would be out of energy for the eventful tomorrow. She's a flower, hold her, touch her, sniff her..leave the crushing part when the right time came. Yes, but she was really tempting his last nerves with that look on her face and her revealed appearance.

Even though he was on top of her, he kept himself up on his legs and arms, lifting his weight by himself. There was a slight gap between the two people's bodies. And that gap was the line between sanity and turning insane and losing himself. Luckily he hadn't crossed the borders. He gently brushed the little hairs aside from her forehead. He looked at her with a strange look in his eyes. He did say she deserved more attention than before..but was he capable of keeping his words? Maybe..when she tried to consume him whole. A determined look crossed his mind. No crushing, just holding, touching and sniffing. He took a deep breath before he dove right into her chest. With the sudden skin contact, Avneet was surprised, but she gasped as her instinct and body willed. "You are too consuming for me.." he muttered into her chest, his voice was weak and low, even he couldn't comprehend what he said, let alone Avneet who furrowed her brows trying to understand what he said. "That tickles..ha ha.." Although she could not understand what he said, but the soft pressure of his soft spoken murmuring into her chest gave her tingles and she chuckled instinctively.

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