Human Nature

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By the time his flash back finished, they had already entered the front yard of his master's mansion. A leader of an underworld army most definitely couldn't be poor.

As soon as the car entered the garage Avneet who was unconscious this entire time began to stir on his lap. When she opened her eye lids she was filled with dread once again. It was him! This man, who stole her integrity from her! Just then she also noticed the ambiguous position she was laid in. She was on his lap, cuddled and clutching onto his shirt. Blowing onto his stomach.

Her face turned red in an instant. "This.." she could barely mutter. But he heard her. "Up?.. good for you. You have services to pay." Services? What services?! His tone of voice scared her. What did she have to do that was much worse then giving him her body?

Either way, she would not agree! "I don't have any services to pay! Release me! I will-" her lips were seized. Yes ladies and gentlemen, she was kissed. "Too noisy." He asserted once he successfully shut her up. He spoke like it was the righteous thing to do. Avneet's upper lip quivered. This guy is trying to take control of her!

"Don't do that again or else-" "Or else..?" His voice dropped down a few octaves. Oh, he sounded mad. She blinked, and blinked some more. What would she do? She couldn't even protect herself from him..what is she going to do to revenge?  "I will take liberty with you as I are mine to deal with after all" just then the car came to a stop.

Sliding out of the driver's seat Vishal opened the door for his Master and Mistress. What he saw was something he thought he shouldn't have. He slammed the door shut and muttered "I-I I didn't see anything! You can continue!" Avneet almost fainted hearing his words. What continue?! But the man took his words and he leaned in to kiss her.

She leaned back with her eyes wide open and glaring at him. The man was denied, he was mad but a second later he smiled evilly. "Don't worry, I know how to deal with you in bed.." Avneet shivered. This guys needs to die!! Die! Die! Die! You bastard!! He picked her up as she was in his lap, she instinctively hugged him when they got out. But she then realised that she looked like she was doing it on purpose. She was just afraid of falling down, nothing more.

She let go of her arms around his neck, and began struggling to come out of his hold. "Let me go!" Seeing her putting her absolute best into trying to come out of his hold, he was amused. She really was an interesting thing. Women begged to spend a night with him, they threw themselves at him, be it in his original form or the one he's in right now.

He never lacked women who would chase him down from one place to another just to get a glimpse of him. Of course, he denied them: they were too easy in his eyes. And here she is, wanting to escape him? She could dream on! He wasn't interested in her at first, but she's the one to deny him regardless of his charms, handsome mien, wealth and stealth. She really piqued his interest.

There is no way she would be let go of until he had become bored of her. "If you do that again, I will molest you right in from of my servants!" Although he wouldn't do that, it was always good to keep one at bay. Avneet stopped struggling and hitting him. She was scared. This man was unpredictable, and there was no doubt that he would probably do what he says.

Although she stopped struggling, she didn't hold him at all, in fact she was held by him, that too from her bottoms. But not matter how embarrassing it was, she couldn't focus on that as she was fuming mad but was afraid to make a move against him. At the same time she felt a little inclined to him. Funny enough, so did Siddharth. She felt like she was used to him somehow. His touch also felt familiar.

Of course that also has to do with the fact that she spent an unwilling night contacting his body. At that, although she was ashamed she couldn't help but feel flushed. He's already 'seen her'. Then a second later she was hit with strong guilt. She loves someone else, yet her body was explored by some other man. It hurt her heart but unexpectedly not as much as she thought it should.

He carried her all the way to the master bedroom. His bedroom. Lucky for Avneet the walls were sound proof because she would need that much support for what she will go through in about a period of time. He not so gently dropped her on the bed and turned to go close the door. His driver, bodyguard and assistant was informed not to disturb him at any cost today.

Hearing their conversation Avneet's stomach convulsed some more. She was unusually calm yet scared at the same time. What could be occupying her mind right now? She was about to go through another 'nightmare' and she could still remain calm? Hard to tell. But it isn't as if she wasn't aware of what was to come, so considering that we can assume she knew at least a third of what she was going to experience.

As soon as the door was shut, Avneet got her mind back and stared at him. Glaring as she tried to move about as freely as she could, but couldn't. "You!..what business do we have?.." the man was amused at once. He missed her fierce attitude. He ached to see her lose the top of her head. Teasing was always a fun thing when it came to her, she would be unusually mad. Seeing that riled him up some more.

After all he was the boss of an underworld army, dealing businesses with men were a daily sight, but it was hard to come by a woman who could threaten him. Threaten him in a cute way that is. She thinks she looks fierce, but to her utmost dismay she looked nothing more then a rabbit who's carrots were stolen. Thinking of that he couldn't wait to get back to her again, getting control over someone like her satisfied him the most.

Besides that, he had her brought over for specific reasons and she was of use to him. Playing dirty was the second best thing he knew to do. So he would play her to the best of his moods. Cruel, but it was what it was as of present. Avneet wasn't aware of his wicked mind, but she did knew that she was in trouble seeing the way he strode over to her.

There was what she didn't want to see the most present in his eyes, lust. Given her body condition right now, it was a fair thing to say she would be lost to him again. True to her thoughts, she was pressed down on the bed the second he took hold of her. The rest was as follows, the clothes came off one by one no matter how much she protested and struggled against him. He cared to caress her while she ached to escape, all on human nature..

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