Deeply Affected..

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A notification popped up on the computer screen, distracting her from the happenings of the video. The name caught her eye. She thought she was dreaming, but the name was there. She rubbed at her eyes and then looked at the screen.

The notification with the same name was still there. She quickly fetched her glasses from her glasses cover that was nearby and nimbly held them out in her hands before blowing into the lenses tenderly. She adorned the glasses and then looked at the screen. She did not want to mistake it for anything. If she was wrong she would probably be glum.

The name was there, the same name she was getting familiar with day by day, every second of the day whether she owns up to her actual feelings or not. Her heartbeat had accelerated upon the advent of the notification. She felt strongly enveloped in anticipation and excitement. Her clear gaze scoured every inch of the notification, from left to right and up to down.

She let out a halfhearted sigh after she realised that the name she was so eager to look up for, was not there. It wasn't his name.. "Why is this person's name similar to his?..Siddhant.."..I like Siddharth more. She turned her vision back to the nasty happenings on the screen.

As fine as the scene looked before her eyes, she still turned away. Sure she was roped in before, because what she saw, was so ecstatic, and in her life, she'd never seen such scenic things before. It was a lure, and she did not want to be dragged in further.

"When my time comes, I will experience what I am bound to." She said pertaining to her coupling experience. She did not think twice before clicking off the video.

Having entirely nothing to do she called up her father, her only sourse to get her out of boredom. "Father..send me some pending work.." she would go insane if she just be pretty and sat all day long. "But it's only been two days..take some rest, go out and enjoy your time there dear, opportunities like these are very rare for busy bees, don't worry about the work, we are handling everything in the company for the time being."

She sighed full of anguish. What is she to do without any source of entertainment? She is not willing to step a foot outside because that darn Zion, that good for nothing bodyguard did not show up to her. What was Siddharth thinking hiring such a man for a job like that?..He probably fled with the money he paid him..

"I know it's been two days, but he's gone, and I have no other thing to do at home. I will die out of boredom father, just send me some pending work, if possible works of other zones too. You know I know to do everything, and I know you trust me.." Sighing over the phone, he absently agreed to her daughter's plead. "You know very well that I trust you, if you insist then, I'll send in the work to you. But make sure to take care of yourself, and don't worry too much about him.."

Avneet: "..." she stayed silent over the call. I don't care about him.Why would I care?! There goes her bipolar self appearing again.

"Alas, my child, I know you are worried. He'll return, you do not worry too much. It'll affect your health."
Avneet, after hearing his words of concern felt choked. "When did i say I care?! That-That man! He can be anywhere, I won't care!!" She huffed out in frustration with an immense amount of hatred laced in her tone.

Ego was deeply rooted in her. She could not stand her ego being trampled over like this. She said what she did out of defence, her defence mechanism triggered and she shot her words like bullets.

Her father, who should have reprimanded her for her sullied tone and manners laughed heartily. To him, she sounded like a jealous wife, a jealous wife who pretends to not care about her husband's doings all the while suspecting him of performing indecent deeds behind her back. He deduced that she felt something, or she would not react the way she did.

He was overjoyed with his conclusion. This darling daughter of his was precious as a Pearl in the ocean to him. He would do anything for her..except allow her the CEO's position. His past still haunted him, he could never afford another life on the brink of death. He did not have his original strength anymore. He was not a young lad who had just graduated from university and was celebrating the opening ceremony of his business. He was now, a man with a lot to have experienced in his life, wise but still a child at heart.

"Since Princess decided she doesn't care, we will not talk about it anymore, alright? I have a few documents I have to string along for proof reading, I'll talk to you another day, till then please do take care of yourself and..remember to not lose hope.." Amandeep hung up on her after bidding his goodbye.

"Lose hope?.." her breath was light. "Lose hope for what? If he's talking about that man, then I have nothing to worry about, I know he'll return.." she said as a matter of fact. She was back to her 'other' original self. The one she was getting accustomed to being around Siddharth, and especially after coming here. The one she cases with everyone else around unawares.

Soon, noon passed and night arrived. Avneet got ready to head to bed when an odd set of imagination struck her. Her cheeks turned crimson while her body began radiating heat. She shook her head rapidly to make the obscene imagination disappear from the top of her head and her mind. She sighed softly.

"His absence holds me weighted.." more than anything, she was puzzled. Puzzled over how he seems to be navigating his way to her in all her aspects.

She laid onto the bed and pulled the duvet cover over her, then it struck her, to call him. "What if he doesn't pick up?.." but he hasn't called me by himself either!! She quickly pressed his number on the contacts list and called him. "The number you have dialled is currently switched off, please try again later-"

She loured at her phone after hanging up. "How dare he switch his phone off! Does he not remember he has to call me and vice versa?!" She felt like clawing at him. His absence greatly affected her and she was slowly beginning to realise that. Where is this man when I need him?!

She huffed and puffed and sulked. She could not stay awake for long, therefore she freshened her emotions before switching the lamp light off on the bedside table. Her body hit the mattress and the warmth of the duvet engulfed her. She was not the least bit fatigued, but slightly plagued with sleep deprivation as it turned out that she could not fall asleep until it was 2:07 in the night. When she did, she was out like the light.

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