chapter 6

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 When i woke up my head whas hurting. ''Erza Probaly knoced me i out.'' I smirked and scretched my head. When i looked around me i saw all my friends were sleeping. I stood up and walked over to a nearby lake. I sat down and looked at the water. ''Natsu..'' I heard a familiar voice say, when i looked around me i saw lucy standing behind me. ''Can i sit next to you?''

It whas silence for a few minutes. I geuss no one of us knew what to say. I trew a rock in the water and looked how it ended up on the other side of the lake. ''Nice throw..'' Lucy said and smiled at me. The way she did that made my heart skip a beat. I whas really angry at myself. I  clenched my fists when i felt a warm gentle hand on it. ''I'm sorry Luce..'' I wispered. ''You don't have to--'' ''Ufcorce i have to! I left you and all the others and didn't even say why!'' I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling. ''Why did you leave than..''

*No one*

''I can't tell..'' Natsu said and looked away.

''Why not!? I'm your friend! I won't blame you or anything. I'm sure you have a good reason for it!''

''You will hate me!'' Lucy saw that Natsu whas biting his lip. She took a deep breath of air and tried to look him in his eyes.

''Your an idiot if you think i would hate you Natsu. Just tell me.. why did you leave..''

''I...'' Natsu whas now almost crying. ''I.. can't..''

''Why don't you trust me!?'' Lucy stood up and looked down on Natsu. ''I whas so worried about you! And i wasn't the only one!''

''I'm sor--''

''IF YOUR SORRY YOU BETTER TELL ME WHY YOU LEFT US! I didn't knew what to do Natsu! I couldn't eat or sleep because i didn't new why you left or where you were! I even thought you left because of me!''


''If you really care about me than you.. you..'' Lucy wiped her tears away. ''You took me with you!'' She said and fell on her knees. ''I cried all the time when no one whas looking.. I'M SICK OF CRYING! I DON'T WANT TO CRY ANYMORE!!'' Tears were steaming down Lucy's cheeks. ''If it's because of me.. i will leave. You don't have to see me anymore.. i will--'' Before Lucy could end her sentence Natsu hugged her.

''I don't want you to leave me! I whas so stupid that i left you! I'm sorry Lucy! I'm so sorry.. i'm so sorry. But you know.. i did do it to protect you guys!''

''Protect us from what?''



Yeaa, new chapter. But sorry it's so short. I didn't really knew what to write and only Natsu and Lucy crying would be borring so i left you with a cliffhanger ;) And sorry the english is so bad! I'm not English so yea.. But i hope you like the story so far :)


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