Long To Hold You

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I long to hold you
to know that you are there
to hear your voice
and to have your arms wrapped around me
holding me close
your words make me smile
giving me hope for something that I have only dreamed of
I feel that I could talk to you for hours
or just have you close to not talk at all
just to know that you are there for me
that you want me and only me
giving up so much that could be
for these feelings between you and I
you have been there for me no matter what
through thick and thin they always say
to think that that could happen
makes my heart soar with possibilities
to know that you are next to me
side by side in this harsh world
I want to be the one pushing forward
not away
to be the one helping you grow stronger not hold you back
I want so many things in this world
to be come something better than what I am now
but while I can't do this by myself
maybe I can with you
if you would have me
you know of my pain and my fears
but do you know of my feelings for you how I long to hold you......

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