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Your pushing me past
The breaking point
I always mess up
Fuck up everything
Anything that doesnt go right
Or something that you don't understand
Is always my mistake
I can't take it anymore
I need to just breath
I love you
It's true
But what ever I do
Is never enough for you
You made me feel something
When I had been hiding in my numbness You made me feel
You gave me what I had so desperately needed
A hand to hold
Love to share
Happy thoughts
No more nightmares
Now Ive lost you
I need to escape
I need my release
Why can't I go back to that numbness that I crave
Without you here
To fill this gaping hole in my chest
I'm lost
With no direction
I just want to rest

The Hauntings of My MindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz