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I want to hold you so bad right now
To feel your arms wrapped around me tight I'm sorry baby
Your in all this pain and its my fault
All I've done since the beginning is cause problems
Its all I've ever done with anything
But I still cant help but want you
I want you soft hands
I want your confident touch
I want your lips on mine
I want you
It feels like there's this giant weight sitting on my chest
I don't sleep right
I can't relax
My heart is breaking
I hate you
I really do
You wanna know why?
Because your the one who showed me love
Your the one who fills my mind every waking moment
And who fills my dreams late at night
I hate you because I love you
Because I need you
Because I long to see you
To touch you
To know that you are there
I wish I could sleep this nightmare of a life away so I can stay in my dreams with you

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