I'm Gone

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Just give me a reason
To continue fighting
Give me a sign
I want to believe
That there's a point for my heart to beat
So easy to just let go
But your voice still rings though my head
What is there left fighting for
I've tried for so long
To be the positive one
To always see the silver lining
But I'm sick of trying
I feel so empty and numb
It isn't working any more
So why can't I just let go
No more battle scars
I'm sick of being the shield protecting everyone else's feelings
It feels like I'm paralyzed
I can keep on holding my head up
Its just to much
I've tried rebuilding my walls
But it's hard to keep anything stable when all my hands do is shake
I want to get out
I don't want a second chance
Or any of the bullshit that every one keeps on going on about
I want it to end
I want to slice deep
To swallow them all
Hang from the sky
I want to just let go of the cliff
And soar down
Landing flat on my back
Just let go
It used to be so easy to pretend
To hide all of it with a smile
To wear a mask everyday just to keep away from the questions
But my mask has fallen apart
I no longer care
I want to just get out
I hate what I've become
The mistakes that Ive made
I'm so tired of walking around with a loaded gun and pretending that I don't want to stick it to the side of my head and pull the trigger
I don't want to go on
I've wrote the letters and I've said my goodbyes
So don't come knocking on my door
Because I won't answer
I'm already gone

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