Baby I Love You

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I want to call you so bad
To just hear your voice
I don't care if you scream at me or argue with me the whole time
I just want to hear your voice
I want to know that you ok
Even though I know your not
My heart aches
It feels as if I have lost a part of myself Last night I couldn't sleep at all
I haven't been able to sleep since the day of our argument
I toss and turn
Trying to find a comfortable position in order not to tear the hole in my chest even deeper
I know I hurt you
I can feel the pain
Just like you could feel mine that one day
To know that Ive hurt you like this has drove a knife deep into my chest
When you called me
And told me that I just didn't care
And that I had just given up on you
It drove that knife even deeper
And twisted it
Cutting me like nothing else can
I hate myself
I hate every thing I had ever said to you
I hate that I couldn't trust myself enough to trust you
I'm sorry baby
I love you
Please just remember that
No matter what you did or didn't do
I know about your past
I know about what you have done
But that doesn't change how I feel about you
I'm sorry baby
It's all my fault
I just couldn't handle every day questioning myself
Waiting for the day that your would leave me like everyone else
I know you promised me that you wouldn't leave
I know that you would never try to hurt me
I'm sorry I had told you sooner
About all of what I had done to myself I'm sorry I let you down baby
I'm sorry I ever made you love me
I'm sorry I had given you any reason to think I was worthy of all that you have done for me
I'm sorry baby
I'm so sorry
At least now I know that I will never hurt you again
I am the cause of so much of your pain
And soon the pain I have brought to you will disappear forever
Just as I will disappear from your life forever
I'm sorry baby
I will always love you
Just please don't let me put you in anymore pain
You don't deserve it
You deserve so much more than what I could ever give you
So don't worry baby
Stop worrying about me
No more being the bigger man
No more pain
I love you baby

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