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I don't want to do this anymore
She says
I can't take all of this pain
It's only so long until she breaks
Pieces of her mask begin to fall away
Her smile once so bright
Crashes down onto the floor
Shattering with what was left of her will
She shakes her head
Pulling at her hair
Wanting to hurl her thoughts out into thin air
Away from her
That's all she wants
An end
She won't she says
She won't play anymore of these games
She wants to let it all out
Just for once to open her mouth
I can't she says
She can't deal with all of this pain
She can't let any of this show
Crushing her
Trapped in her own brain
I have to she says
As she picks up the pieces
Fixes her mask and puts it back into place
I must she says
A smile glued on her face

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