World So Cold

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Once upon a time

There was a young man

Who didn't know for sure who he really was

And only sought one thing in his entire life

But that one thing he couldn't have nor find

Because it was never anything that had a physical appearance

Nor did it have a true name or tangent body

Yet he knew what it was

And he was tortured by the fact that he knew he would never be able to find it

Driving himself insane with each passing day

Searching near and far for something to numb the pain

Until he found someone.....

But that someone had pulled herself in,  lashing out at every and any one who tried to get close

Yet he wouldn't give up

He tried everyday to break down the walls that she had built around herself but she just wouldn't open up

But still he tried, slowly breaking down her wall

He learned of her nightmares and the horrible things that she had done,  it scared him but he put up a brave face

Over time, he realized he held deep feelings for this girl, yet was scared to say anything

So he watched as she fell deeper into her own abyss, she hid the scars with clothes and bracelets faking happiness with a smile so he wouldn't worry

He realized these things, and promised to always be there for. As a friend, or maybe even something more

She was thankful and promised him that she would stop and let him help her but she already had promised to herself never to put the weight of her struggle on anyone else's shoulders

But he had already promised to bear her burden if need be

It didn't matter she had already made that pack with herself long before she had even met him

And he had accepted her decision

As time went on she got better at hiding everything and at lying and he thought that she was actually getting better

But on the inside he knew she was faking. He longed to reach out and help

But he was to late, with everyday the bags under her eyes got darker and the bandages on her arms got bigger, the stains on her sleeves just wouldn't come out

He realized this, and planned to tell her his true feelings

But the day that he had finally decided to take the step, he knocked on her door and found her hands cold and her heart still

He shook with great fear, not wanting to believe what he found

He didn't want to face reality, to face the fact that he had lost her

But he had, and now he was once again lost

So with a heavy heart he closed her eyes and placed a kiss on her cold lips, whispering goodbye.  Later that week her funeral was held but he was not there

He couldn't bear to see her lying there. The only person he ever cared about was gone

But he knew that she was no longer in pain,  that she had only left him like this to protect him from herself. To make sure that she wouldn't drag him down with her

But what she didn't realize was that the young man couldn't bear to live without her. She was the reason he was still alive

She couldn't bear to show him her pain and how weak she was

She didn't know the young man would've loved her just the same. He didn't care about her scars

She didnt want to believe that he knew her pain or that he would be there for her no matter what.  It scared her

Yet the boy couldn't live without her, so the young man decided to end his life

So even though she had done everything to protect him she ended up killing him with her actions. As the man rested against the grave of his one true love he whispered goodbye to the cruel world that had taken her from him and closed his eyes for the last time.
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Ok so this is a short story me and one of my friends wrote back and forth through text messages a few days ago.  I know it sounds weird but it's pretty fun just do like what I did and start with 'once upon a time'

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