Shoot Me Already

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I'm going crazy
I see them at the end of the street
In the corner of my eye
They shoot at me
Chasing me through my mind
Though twisting streets and dead ends Harsh things brushing across my back
Their bullets peirce my skin
Bringing me down to my knees as the poison of their words eats at my flesh
I need a shield
I reach for your hand but your not there
You've left my side and joined the rest I look up and there you are
Pointing a gun to my head
Shoot it already
But you don't
You just stand there
The nuzzle pressed against my temple
The others push me forward
Forcing me towards you
Shoot me already
My fists bang against your chest
And you just stand there
So I grab the gun
And pull the trigger
I'm looking into a mirror
Its not you who is holding the gun
I am
I raise it to my head
Just as you did
Pull the trigger
Like you couldn't
And I smile
As I fall back flat on my back
And see you standing over me
Hi there my dear friend
Don't worry I'm ok 
I say as I stoke your face
Your tears drip down and fall around me
I smile
Then laugh
Its finally done
I'm gone
So long dear one
I'll see you soon

The Hauntings of My MindМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя