In and Out

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In and out
Feet pounding on the pavement
Every footstep sends numbing shocks up my legs
In and out
Pain spreads in my stomach
My lungs convulsing as the are pushed to the limit
This is what I love
I close my eyes
In and out
Nothing matters now
I've gone completely numb a while ago
Just have to keep pushing to the very end
Breaking apart
Leaving a trail of memories
Every step i get closer
To do ally seeing the end
That finish line
The pain is back
As strong as ever
I savor it
Basking in it
Loving the way it takes my focus from everything else
I feel alive
In this dead life
In and out
I start to shake but I keep going
Pulling myself together
Slapping a smile on my face
Just breath
I can see it now
Its so close
The finish line
Its empty and dark now
Everyone else has either already left or just aren't coming
In and out
Dragging what is left across the line
Finally collapsing
Why should I breath
Its over
No more pain
No more numbness
One last breath
In and out
And close my eyes

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