Say It Already

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Just say it please
Let it all out
Scream to me how much you hate me
Tell me how Ive ruined things
Please just let all pour out
Call me a stupid worthless bitch
Make me cry as you let all your rage out
Explain to me how many times I fucked up
Why not just let allow this out
I know you want to
So just say it please
Stop fighting it
Stop saying you love me
Stop trying to make things better
Just say how much you hate me Now
Scream it to face
Just stop fighting for this
Its a battle you will always lose
Just say it already
Embrace the hate
The anger
And tell me about it all
Stop trying
Its useless
Just give up
And say what you've wanted to say from the beginning
Say how much of a pity worthless useless bitch I am
Say howuch Ive fucked up
Tell me all of it
How no one wants me
How I should have must died when I first attempted
How childish and naive I am
How I should just get over it
How much of a disappointment I am
Tell me the things that others tell me every day
Telle the things that I tell myself when I wake up in the morning
Tell me all of what I already know is true
Just say it already
Make it easier
Let it all out
Please I'm begging you

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