An update for all of you

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I'm sorry I can't do more to help,  I wish I could be there for everyone I love and to take there problems away and see them smile but I just can't. I don't know what to do and I just get scared and frustrated and I end up being more of a problem that a help. So instead I just stay out. I try to be there as a blockade from the big step that some who I know long to take but I can't do anything. I can't change the world although I wish with my heart and whatever soul I may have that it could be easier for all of you but I just can't.  I see the pain, the sadness,  the tiny changes that should be a big sign,  I see them all but...i just can't....please I'm begging all of you just please talk to someone, get the help that you know that you need,  step back from that ledge and remember all that you have to live for and look forward to...please...stay safe my friends I love you all

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