Turn Back

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Turn back the clock
Go back to the time
Where the world was a happy wonderland of a place
In my young mind
Go back to the time
Before I had discovered the true side of those around me
Turn it all back
Turn back the world
Turn it back into my dream
Take away all the pain
All the mistakes that Ive made
Take away all the horrid memories
That I return to in my dreams
All the nightmares
Make them go away
Turn back to the times where I could pretend to be a princess
To a time where my heart wasn't plagued by this pain
Take my back
I want to be naive again
I dont know what to do
I just want to turn back time
Live in the fairytale of my young mind
Turn back
To the time I smiled in pictures
To the time darh heavy bags didn't hang from my lifeless eyes
To a time where I had no scars to hide To a time where I was happy
Turn back the time
Please just turn it all back

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