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i told you my secrets
all my regrets and fears
as you broke down all my walls
you diged as deep as you could
learning of all my nightmares becoming the only one i could confide in with some things
and the one i tried to hide the most from
you protected me
from the things that i had grown so used to
from the things that forced me to see reality
you said that you loved me
that i was your everything
but you dont know me
you think you do but you dont
you tried to take away all my pain
tried to be the wall deflecting all my nightmares and fears
but all you did was put me in a fairy tale
you put me on a pedestal
made me feel like i was important
like i could actually make a change in these things in my life
but what you dont realize is that the past can never be changed
no matter how much i tried
i could never accept what you gave to me
the dreams of a different future that we had had
thats all they were
you tore me open
forcing out all of my secrets and making me see you as the only one i could trust
everything that i had told you
all that pain
all the love that had grown
none of it was lies
but this is not who i am
just let me go
you think you did a good thing
by making me face the things that have haunted me
but all that did
is make me grow to hate you as all of the pain and anger and memories fall back on my shoulders
i had warned you not to push
but you backed me into a corner
getting your so called revenge for me hurting you
what did i ever do to you
all i did was try and help
was try an be there for you whenever you needed me
but you took to much
how could i even try to help you stand when i was still on my knees myself
the things you made me face
what you thought was a good thing
just beat me back down
you say that this is just a bump in the road
no its not
its a dead end
its your turn to face reality
to see through the fog of fantasy
to see the truth
this is my goodbye
the final and only one i will ever give again
i wont apologize anymore
no matter how much i want to
because this is the end
there is no more left
just let go

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