Get Out While You Can

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Let it all fall away
No more regrets
No more mistakes
I'm not worth it
Nobody cares
I need the pain
The release just one step away
Just let me go
Leave me be in my pain
Let it fester
And grow
Consuming my soul
I'm not worthy for your attention
I'm not enough
For anyone
Don't spare me your apologies
I know you don't mean it
Some of you that's a different story
But it's the ones who I care for
That really count
Just let me go
Don't waste your love
On who every I am
Don't waste your breath
You can't bring me back from No Man's Land
Just walk away
I'll only drag you down
I'm too far gone
All your doing is kicking a dead horse
Just leave already
Can't you see I'm not worth the pain
I'm not worth your time
I'm just a drain
I'll take your love
I'll try to return the favor
To show you how much I need you
And long for you
If only to just hear your voice
But I can't
As much as I need it
But I can't give anything in return
I no longer feel with my heart
Only my brain
Get away while you can
Stay away from me
Escape certain doom
I'm sorry my love
I have none left to give
Ive lost everything
All I am is an empty shell
I'm not worth it
Get away while you still can
I won't mind
I understand
Just leave
So I can make sure your ok
Escape my pain
My loss
All if it
It spreads like a virus
For me to those that I care for
Turning their backs to me
I'm used to it by now
All I care about is saving you
From what I will make you
Get out while you can
It's over for me
Can't change that
But you have a chance
Let go
I'm begging you
Just let me go
I don't want you to feel my pain

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