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Hush little baby
Don't say a word
Here you can stay and hide from the world
Wear you princess dress and play with your dolls
Stay this way for a while
Don't worry doll you'll grow up quick
Tea parties and fairy tales replaced by lipstick
You'll lose the closeness of your family While they curse under their breath trying their hardest to change you into the person they want you to be
To school you'll go
Happy and free
You will be
Before you learn of the world's cruelty
As you grow older
Other grow colder
Mean words will be said
Tears will be shed
At the end of the day you lock yourself in you room
Blasting music hoping they will leave you alone soon
The bullying will get worse
Your life they will curse
You'll try to brush it off like an annoying fly
Your eyes are red and puffy but you stay silent leaving your family to wonder why
You leave them in the dark
As you struggle to find who you really are
You'll stop caring
Thinking that there's nothing worth your staying
A pillow will catch your tears
While drugs and pills take away your fears
In a daze
You'll go through every day
You want it to end
Your heart it hurts to bad to mend
To a knife you'll turn
Into your skin scars will burn
Everyday pushing yourself a little bit closer
All it takes is one little thing to push you over
You can't see yourself graduating
Because its your life that your hating
Then comes the day that you just want to die
Even more than before your sick of all the lies
Your arms you'll slice
Your mind numb as if it's on ice
Maybe it will work maybe it won't
But you know in your heart that you'll never be able to look in the mirror if you don't
Tears will fall your scared
In the mirror you stare
Hating who stares back at you
Not wanting to believe that what had happened is true
I'm sorry little baby but the skies are blue
Sit in silence as they read your letter
Don't worry baby it will all get better
Day pass then weeks
It didn't work but help your family makes you seek
Everyday you get out of bed
Everyday wishing that you were dead
Stay strong little baby
You'll get better that isn't a maybe
The friend that you thought just weren't there
Appear and show you how much they really care
Sure its hard
You fight it everyday
But don't worry baby
It will all be ok
You thought you were alone
Well how could anyone have known
You never opened your mouth or eyes
To show the truth hiding behind the lies
Keep your head up
Look to the skies
Don't worry baby
We'll help you when you get stuck
Sure the scars are still there
But now you can go through out the day without hiding behind your hair
Stand up straight and stand up tall
You can do it baby give it your all
See this is all the future my little one It is all soon to come
So rest your little head
In your comfy bed
And stay this way for a while
While I try my hardest to make sure you smile

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