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i just crying my eyes out right now some one sent me this link and now i have to share it. for those of you who struggle like this, who are like and fight everyday remember that you are not alone. please just please listen to this. please dont hurt yourself anymore. dont keep it all in. there are people in the world that love you and would just die on the inside if they every lose you. just remember that you are not alone. i know that talking aout these tings may not alays help but it is a way to get better to get closer to being able to smile without forcing it to be able to love yourself and to get through the day without harming yourself....please you are not alone. if anyone wants to talk you can. carve your sadness and pain into words on a paper not a knife against your skin. i love all you guys please stay strong and keep hope. you are not alone and i promise you youll never truely be alone no matter how much you belive you are


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