Just Leave Me Alone

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Why can't you just leave me be
I don't need to talk
I don't need to open up
I don't need to do anything for you
And I sure don't want to
Why should I have to explain my inner pain and torments
My thoughts and want for death
Why should I have to tell you about all of this
When you can't see my pain and struggles
When you can't see how hard it is for me to just get through the day
Why should I have to explain any of this to you
You are the one who has caused this
No matter how much I love you
No matter how many times I have proved this to you
I'm still not worthy of your trust
So just leave me alone
Let me deal with my own pain
Just let me go
I want an end
Now that I don't have you anymore
I can finally say goodbye

The Hauntings of My MindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ