Please Just Give Me My Release

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I want it so bad
The edge of the blade
The sharp bite of a knife
Something to shake me out of this
To help me breath
I cant relax
I can't focus
All I can think about it my longing for the pain
My mind keeps on torturing me
Making me relive all these moments over and over again
All these voices echoing in my head
The people who I love
I always push you away
I want this pain.
I want to see my blood spill out onto the floor
I want to just off the edge
It's right outside
So close
Two stories is high enough don't your  think
Of not the bridge is right there
I can't take it any more
Hearing your voice this morning
Hearing the hurt and the pain
I wanted so bad to just hang up right there
Just so I could cease the aching in my heart
The pain in my chest
It hasn't left
I need this pain
It makes up for the pain I put you through
I need my release
Why can't you just let me have it
Why can't you just let it go
Please just say that you hate me
Tell me that I'm worthless
Tell me it's over
Stop loving me
Just let me go
Please I need my release
I have my razors
I have the time
I can hide it
Why can't you just give it to me
Please I need this
I want to see my blood blossom with every new cut
I want to feel the pain as I dig deeper and deeper into my skin
Please just leave me alone
Let me go
Forget about me
Give me my release
I need this
Please I'm begging you
Just forget about me

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