It Just Has To Be Done

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It doesn't matter what I think
What I want
Or what I feel
What matters is what's right
What will protect both of us from pain
From what will happen if this continues
So if you think that I don't love you
If you think that ive just gave up
Keep thinking that
Please just let this go
You want to know the truth
I love you
I always have
And I'll never stop
I don't hate you
I never will
I hate myself
This is is all my fault
I've ruined everything
Any and every chance we had to be
Well anything
I ruined it
So do what is good for you
Do what is the best and only choice in all of this
Let me go
I'm sorry
But it's all over
I've been dead inside
From the beginning of all of this
From even before I had met you
All I am is a dead weight
So just let go
Do what is so easy
Do what you have to do
Let me go
I'm sorry but as you said
You tried
But now it's time to realize that you have to just let go
Now or never
Say your goodbyes
Your holding me so tight
But I'm to empty to hold on anymore
Your clutching a corpse tight in your arms
Bury me before I start to decay
Before my sickness infects you
Just let me go
Before I drag you down with me
I'm sorry
But it has to be done
Just let go

The Hauntings of My Mindحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن