One By One They Fade

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Take a deep breath and let it go
Just ignore it as the voices in your head grow
Go ahead give up there's nothing that you owe
Don't push don't pull just go with the flow
Inhale and just let go
Just forget about it all
Every harsh word that made you fall
The rips in your skin as you struggle to stand tall
Forget about the ones who have watched it all
The darkness that seems to crawl
It's way up your neck
Dragging its claws into your skin
Stuck frozen in a silent scream
Your shadow takes control
Forcing it's self down your throat
It takes you over from the inside
Just choke it all down
There's nothing better to have besides Theres nothing there for it to fight
You've given up don't have anymore will
So just take a deep breath
The addiction that has been keeping you living
And let it go
Forget all of it and let time slip
Don't mind those who watch from the side lines
Because they stand still even at the worst of times
Don't worry they aren't going to try and stop you
They never do anything you know that's true
So you sit in traffic
Cars going to and fro
Surrounded by a circle of people who you are supposed to trust and know
Their stars penetrate your walls
They just sit there watching you fall
The hate and anger
Pity and disgust
It scares you turning your heart to rust
Oh god the fear
You want to lay down and rest your eyes but you feel paralyzed
You never hear it
Don't even feel it
But in a second its all over
Yet still you sit there
Frozen watching the others
You want to get up and move to the safety of their arms
But why should you
They've never been there before
So why do they sit there as if wanting an oncore
They stare
Tears running down from their lifeless eyes
Why do you stare
Why do you stare at me
Go away just let me sit here and bleed
The pain in my chest its not going away
Just go its better off this way
One by one they fade
As I smash my fists into the mirror that surround me
My life leaking away
One by one they fade
Hey sorry guys its taken me so long to update this have just been really hectic, it's all gotten alot harder with school and assholes Who i have to see everyday but that's ok. Um....cant exactly remember what I wanted to say so yah....bye bye
*kitty wave*


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