I don't know any more

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I'm not sure when it started
Or when I stopped
Has it stopped?
To tell the truth I really don't know
Everyday I go back and forth
It's starting to show again
I fear that I'm letting the darkness take me back over
There's no why
It's just an is
I'll get mad for no reason
Lashing out at those who I love in bursts of violence
For a while I thought I could look in the mirror
And actually smile
But I've come to realize
I don't recognise who i see looking back at me
I can't look at myself
I'm not myself
I'm not me
Who am I
How the fuck am I sposed to able to do what I have to do when I can't even get the basics down
How do you be happy
What is true happiness
Damn I sound like a whinny ass bitch
Oh well
Think whatever you want to think
But u will never know how hard it really is
To resist it
The monster who left scars who I tried so long to hide
I'm so sorry
I've hurt so many of you just by being here
I'm so sorry
Please forgive me

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