Ch.6 The Artsy, Shy Type

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"Hey Alex! Please sing us a song!" A regular guest of mine begged.

"Maybe some other time. My friend is the one who can sing better," I replied as I kept walking down the hall.

I was defiantly lost. Carol went to the music club while I was cleaning up my books in class. I was studying and had things scattered everywhere. I told her to go ahead, but now I regret it. I forgot where music room 2 was.

"Why did I ever let her leave me? I'm so late now," I grumbled turning into another hall.

"You sure are Alex." I swung my head to see Ivan leaning against the wall. He wore that same smirk. "You know you're also going the wrong way, right?"

I turned around and started to walk where I just came from. "Yeah I know, I was just checking out this side of the school."

He walked beside me with his arms crossed and still wore that irritating smirk. "You are such a bad lair."

I sighed. "I'm sorry. Thank you for finding me."

"You think I was looking for you?" I looked over at him. He laughed. "I watched you go the wrong way and followed."

My jaw dropped. "If you saw me going the wrong way, why didn't you stop me? Now we're both late!"

"I'm not late, you are. I was the first one there. Also I didn't stop you because I thought you'd figure it out."

I sighed again. "I'm not good with big buildings, I always get lost."

"Is that why Carol was fucking jumping on the walls when you didn't show?"

I nodded. He didn't say anything else so I looked over at him. His smirk was gone and he looked like he was deep in thought.

"Ivan." He blinked and looked over at me. "Thanks for getting me, I would've been lost without you."

His smirk was back and he shoved his hands into his pockets. "It's not like I wanted to. If I didn't Carol probably would've wrecked the music room."

I looked up at him shocked, but that quickly faded away as I smiled. "You can't fool me with that tough boy act. I know you have a heart somewhere in that shell of yours." I kept walking to the door. Once I reached music room 2, I looked back to see Ivan standing where I spoke to him. His smirk vanished and he was staring off into space."Hey! You coming or what?"

He smiled, an actual smile instead of his smirk. He started to walk towards me. "Sure little mouse."

He stood in front of me, and I pouted. "Don't call me a mouse."

"Then start speaking up." I just sighed knowing that would never happen. He smirked and opened the door. "After you little mouse."

"Shut up meanie." I walked in to be tackled by two people.

"Guys get off of her," Komori said sternly.

"I thought you'd die out there! I knew I shouldn't have went ahead without you!" Carol cried.

"I hope Ivan took good care of you! I'm so glad you're okay!" Ryo yelled.

"I'm fine guys. Get off." I pried them off of me with the help of Komori and Ivan.

"Oh Alex! Let's practice our song!"

I shook my head at Carol's hyper attitude. "Sure Carol, let's go."


"What the hell is that?" Carol and I asked.

Carol and I stood staring at the twins. They each held out an Arabian dress.

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