Ch. 29 The Host Club is on Hiatus?

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The train ride to the hot springs was long and boring, well, to Carol it was. Haruhi pulled out a book and read the whole time while I put in ear buds and day dreamed out the window, watching as the beautiful scenery went by. Carol was antsy the whole time and constantly up and moving between the train cars until she made friends with a 45-year old woman. They made small talk and gossiped for the two and a half hour ride.

Uncle Yuji's friend was amazing. Her name is Shirami and she is a badass. When we arrived at the steps, she was throwing a young boy of ten, who we now knew was her grandson, out the door and yelling, 'Go wash those clothes correctly or I'll show you personally how your father earned his scar!' 

We were terrified but she explained that her son got a scar down his forearm from falling off the chicken coop when he was 13. She said her grandson doesn't know that though because her son told him multiple different stories. She may be 70 but she earned my friendship very quickly.

Currently, it's our fourth day at the hot springs. The three of us shared a room and had our own personal hot bath. The second day here, Tamaki had called me and was giddy over the phone. He said he was finally allowed into the main mansion and was excited. I was so happy he was finally accepted by his grandmother. He said he'd call back soon but it's been two days and I haven't heard anything.

"Hey Alex, Haruhi and I are going to head to the spring. You can join us if you want."

I smiled at Carol, still looking through my bag for my paint. "Alright. I'll be there in a minute."

I heard the door shut with a small click and their voices slowly fade away. I let out an 'aha' as my eyes finally landed on my target. Pulling out the box, I moved over towards the desk where I had an easel and a canvas set up. I took a picture of a koi pond that sits outside the building's doorway and decided to paint it. Once I had all the paint laid out, my phone went off, making me jump and knock off a paint brush. Grumbling to myself, I answered the call without looking and leaned over to pick up my brush.

"Hi, you have reached the phone of Alexandria Satomi. How may I be of service today?" I sat the brush next to the others, making sure it wouldn't roll off.

"A simple 'hello' would've sufficed."

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. "What's up Kyoya? Missing me already?"

I bet he could feel my smirk from his side of the phone, but he ignored my comment. "Listen, I have some news-"

"Is it about Tamaki getting into the main mansion? Isn't that wonderful?!"

"How did you-"

"He called me two days ago to tell me the news." I paused, thinking of his chipper attitude on the phone. "He's so excited."

I heard him let out a groan. "One, I don't appreciate being cut off-"

"And I don't mind." I heard him take a deep breath and I chuckled. I knew I was making him a bit irritated, but he needs to lighten up a bit.

"Two, yes it was about Tamaki. Three it is not wonderful by any means."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. What is he talking about? Why wouldn't it be a good thing? "What do you mean it's not wonderful? Tamaki is finally accepted by his grandmother!"

He scoffed and that took me by surprise. Never would I have thought Kyoya would do such an informal action.

"I went by the second mansion this morning as soon as I heard Tamaki's voicemail. All his things were gone and Antonette wasn't allowed with him in the main mansion."

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