Ch. 27 Think of It As Spying

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Glancing out the window, I took another sip of my tea. Sitting on such expensive furniture made me anxious that I'd spill something on them. Who knows how much a luxurious couch cost? I wouldn't want to be responsible for damaging it. I set the cup down onto the table and looked around the room. It was a nice, spacious room. The lighting wasn't overbearing nor too dark, the furniture looked expensive and were positioned in a unique way around the room, and shelves full of books lined most of the walls.

What really caught my interest was the grand piano sitting almost directly in the middle of the room. It was beautiful. I found myself itching to walk over and play a few notes. But what if that's rude to do without asking first? I tried to occupy my mind with something else but my eyes always landed back onto the piano.

Screw it.

I got off the couch and made my way to the piano. Once I was there I lifted up the keys cover. Taking a seat, I pressed a key down. Once I heard the note ring across the silent room, I started playing part of a song. I sung the lyrics and played the melody.

A few minutes later, I instantly froze when I heard someone clapping behind me. I whipped my head around and stood up frantically.

"That was beautiful Alexandria."

I clasped my hands together to calm myself down. "I'm sorry Yoshio-"

"Don't be. That piano hasn't been played in a long while." Yoshio smiled at me and went towards the piano. "The last time it was played was when Suoh's son came to visit Kyoya." He paused then set the key cover back down. "He played so beautifully- just like you."

I looked at the ground. I wasn't sure why I was being shy. I couldn't find the courage to look at him. "Thank you."

He noticed my shyness and I heard him chuckle softly. "But I assume that isn't why you wanted to see me." He gestured towards the couch that I was previously sitting on. "Come. What's on your mind?" He sat on the couch and I sat beside him.

"I wanted to thank you Yoshio."

"Thank me?" He leaned forward to grab a cup then started to pour some hot tea. "Whatever for?"

"For reuniting me with my uncle and telling me about the life I didn't know I had."

"I stated that I would fix everything for you and your parents' sakes and that's what I did."

I thought about the aunt and uncle that I now have in my life because of him. Knowing my dad had a brother and having him and his family accept me so easily is a dream come true. I'm really grateful for everything he's done. So now I wasn't sure how to express this to him.

"I do have a question for you."

I decided to leave it be for now. Maybe some other day I'll prove how much his actions meant to me. "What might that be?"

"Do you plan on taking over the company once you're of age?"

I bit my bottom lip. I'm not sure how to answer that. If I take over then I'm giving up art. Can I really do that? "I'm not sure."

Yoshio seemed shocked by my answer. "Are you doubting your capability to run the company?"

I shook my head. "It's not that... it's just, I have conflicted emotions about it."

"You want to be an art teacher."

I nodded. "I would love to work at the company or even take over but doing so would mean giving up my art. It's been such a big part of my life that I don't think I'm willing to give it up so easily."

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