Ch. 31 Crash Course in Laptop Usage

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The next morning I definitely didn't feel like going to school. I got up at the usual time and decided to call the school and tell them I was sick. Once that I was taken care of, I peeked into Carol's room to see her getting ready for the day.

She glanced over and I must've scared her. She gasped, jumped, and a hand flew to cover her heart. She sighed afterwards and frowned. "Good lord Alex! You scared me to death."

I smiled sincerely. "I'm sorry." I took a few steps inside her room and watched her pack up her bag. "I just wanted to let you know that I don't think I'm up for school today so I'm going to stay home or maybe see what Uncle Yuji is up to."

She instantly stopped her actions and made eye contact with me. "I understand. This is difficult for us all." She smiled and closed the space between us with a hug. "But I know this has been even more difficult for you." 

I hugged her back and couldn't help but smile. "Thank you. So do I need to call you in too?"

We broke the hug. Carol bit her bottom lip then shook her head. "Actually, I think I'll head to school today."

My eyes widened with shock. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's not a problem." She closed her bag and lifted it onto her shoulder. "I'll be fine on my own. Just text me if you do plan on leaving and where you go so when I get home I don't get separation anxiety."

I nodded.

Carol grinned. "You know, I think we need a girls day."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "All three of us went to that hot spring for spring break not that long ago."

She shook her head. "No no. I mean just you and me. It's been ages since just the two of us hung out."

She was right. I can't remember the last time we've had time to ourselves. Whenever we went to do something the guys and/ or Haruhi would end up joining us.

"I'd like that."

Her smile turned into a snarky smirk. "It's a date then."


"Are you sure you know where we are?"

"Of course. I'm offended that you think I'd ever forget how to get to the Satomi company."

I sighed and continued to walk beside Dante who was currently leading me to my family's company. Once Carol left I called up Uncle Yuji and he said he'd be glad to have me come in today. Of course I dragged Dante along with me. I roughly knew where the tall building was located because despite going there multiple times, my brain decided to only remember certain parts of the journey. That's why Dante is currently leading the way with a goofy smile on his face.

The walk there was pretty peaceful. Dante had left me to my thoughts, not really engaging in conversation as we walked the bustling streets. I realize I don't ever walk around the city often nor do I notice the amount of people walking the streets and just living out their everyday lives. Many are just ordinary citizens and don't worry about company's or whether their image isn't kept up to a 'T'. They probably worry about their job, if they have enough money to pay rent, whether or not they need an umbrella because it might rain, or if the coffee shop they go to every morning is open. Ah, an iced coffee sounds good right now.

"Hey Alex!"

I jolted out of my thoughts from Dante calling out to me. I looked behind him to see we had arrived at the entrance of the building.

"We're here. What had you so out of it, huh?"

I pouted a little remembering my last thought. "I was thinking about how an iced coffee would be nice right now."

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