Ch.23 Is It Someone's Birthday?

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"What did you need?" I asked Tamaki as I sat on his bed. He was pacing back and forth in his room, hands running frantically through his hair.

You see, we all left the shrine and made it to our homes after the incident with Haruhi and I getting kidnapped. I had just changed into my pajamas when Tamaki texted me saying, 'Can you come over? It's really important!!!!.' Yes that was his exact text. So being the caring person I am, changed into some clothes, grabbed my jacket Kyoya got me, and headed out to Tamaki's home. I didn't have to walk though because Tamaki had a limo come over to my apartment building.

So now I'm in Tamaki's room at 8 p.m., sitting legs crossed on his bed, watching him pace as I pet Antoinette beside me.

I heaved out a little sigh seeing as his pacing wasn't going to relent. "Tamaki," I started. Hearing that I used his first name, Tamaki stopped pacing and was entirely focused on me. "What's wrong?"

He hesitated a little before he walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. I could tell by his eyes that he was certain of something. "I love her," he said confidently.

My brain didn't think nor process this well so I blurted out a stupid question. "Who?"

"Haruhi." He wore a big smile on his face as I stared at him with shock. "I love Haruhi, and I've probably been in love with her from the beginning."

My mouth gaped open and my eyes were wide. I bet I looked like a fish out of water, but he finally realized it. I smiled back. "It's about time you figured it out."

At that statement his mouth hung open and he took a step back. "What?" He started to flail his arms around. Antoinette jumped off the bed and was jumping around him while barking. He grew a pout. "You knew?! When?! How?!"

I laughed at his behavior. He was silent now and sat beside me on his bed. He had his hands clasped in his lap. Antoinette sat in front of him on the floor and I decided to quiet my laughter.

"Sorry, I could tell from your actions that you loved her- you know actions are louder than words."I grew a half smile and continued. "What made you realize?"

He took in a deep breath, "As cliche as it sounds, what made me realize my feelings was seeing her in danger because of me. I was so out of my mind with worry, I could have died." I watched him as each word fell out of his mouth. I could see and feel how serious he was. "I blamed the kidnappers, I blamed myself. When I found out she was alright, I thought the overwhelming relief I felt might kill me- that also goes for you." He added quickly as he turned to face me. He decided to sit legs crossed and faced me so I turned my body towards him. "The moment I saw her smile- a smiled that wiped away all my fear and misery- I realized that I'm in love with her."

"I'm glad you could tell me this."

Tamaki shook his head. "But that's not all I realized...when I found that out, all my past stupidity invaded my mind and I wanted to die. Realizing how stupid I was did come to me as a shock." He chuckled a little and I smiled to reassure him it's okay. He leaned over, propped his elbows on his thighs, and clasped his hands together. "Hikaru has told me multiple times that 'we're not a family, but our bonds won't break'. I realized it wasn't a trauma; having you guys has been my salvation for so long. I have friends who are so precious that I fear losing them and that's something to be thankful for."

"You know everyone else feels the same way," I spoke after a few moments of silence had passed.

He nodded but grew silent. I almost said something until he suddenly moved off the bed and stood up. 

"Will you stand up for a moment?"

A wave of confusion hit me. "Why?" I asked as I slid off his bed.

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