Ch.2 A What? Host Club?

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I arrived at Ouran and Tamaki led me to the office. As he went to class, I stared at the big wood doors. I pushed them open and saw a lady at the front desk. I approached her and waited for her to get done typing.

"May I help you?" her dark, depressed voice rang into the empty room.

"I'm Alexandria Satomi, I'm supposed to see Mr.Suoh."

She looked at me then back to her computer. "He's in his office go on ahead."

I thanked her and pushed open his office door. "Mr.Suoh?"

He turned around from his desk and smiled. "Ah miss Satomi, a pleasure to see you again." I nodded and stood in front of his desk. "Here is your schedule, you're in class 1-A. Feel free to examine the school for your classes." He said handing me the paper.

"Thank you sir," I said in my usual quiet voice. I walked to the door, but before I turned the door knob Mr.Suoh spoke.

"And since you're on an art scholarship, I would like for you to join two clubs. Any club is fine, but if you choose not to join any your scholarship will be revoked and you'll have to leave Ouran. You have two weeks to choose. Is this ok with you?" he asked.

I nodded, "Of course sir." I then walked through the door. I saw an ugly yellow dress laid out on the eerie lady's desk.

"This is your uniform. Go put it on," she demanded.

I shook my head. "Can I just wear these clothes?"

She looked up from her computer and observed my outfit. "You may not, now go change." She went back to her computer.

I sighed. "Ok, then can I wear the guys uniform instead?"

She gave me a questioning look. "Let me check with Mr.Suoh." She typed something on her computer, and after a few minutes her eyes went wide. "He said you can wear the boy's top but you have to wear a skirt." She said laying out a plaid blue and black skirt.

I cringed at the word. "A skirt?"

She glared at me. "Was I not clear? You either wear a skirt or a dress, your choice. Accept it and quit complaining."

Her statement sent a wave of anger over me. I roughly grabbed the boys top and the skirt laid out on her counter, and stomped to the door. She looked shocked at my sudden outburst. I opened the door but before I stepped out completely, I looked back at her with a smile. "I want to thank you for everything."

She looked confused. "Uh sure, your welcome."

My smiled turned into a scowl. My eyes narrowed, and a low growl came from my lips. "Let's get something straight, you can live out your daily life the way you want to. But if someone comes for help, you can't just act like you don't care. This is your job and you need to accept it. So quit taking it out on others." With that I shut the door and walked away.

I was shocked a little at what I said. That side of me scares me. I never really know why I act that way. One second I'll be happy, the next mad, and then sad. In the mornings, I'm like a demon. I guess that's a few new mysteries to solve.

I walked through the deserted halls of Ouran. I finally reached class 1-A after twenty minutes of searching. I opened the door and the room fell dead silent, all eyes were on me. I truly felt uneasy.

"I assume you are our new student, correct? " The teacher asked in a deep voice. I nodded. "Well introduce yourself," he said sitting at his desk. That's what I was afraid of.

I looked towards the other classmates and kept a straight face. "I'm Alexandria Satomi, I'm a transfer student that earned an art scholarship from America." All the students whispered to each other. I rolled my eyes it was nothing new, they all were shocked of my soft voice.

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