Ch.7 Friendly Carnival

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"Haruhi thanks again for inviting us," Carol said for about the tenth time already.

Haruhi smiled. "No problem. It's good to get away from the club. I figured since the carnival was in town, and since you haven't been to one in Japan, I would be glad to spend it with you guys. Basically you two are the only ones who I can stand."

I smiled at her although I was very irritated. "Hey Haruhi, why did your dad make Carol and I change into these frilly dresses?" I shifted my bracelet on my wrist, and messed with my necklaces around my neck.

She looked down at herself, then at us and sighed. "He's always like that. He likes for me to wear this stuff, and now he's glad I made some friends that are girls so he can get you two to wear them as well."

"Well I guess it doesn't really matter now anyway. Aw who cares? It's a girls night out!" Carol squealed.

I shook my head. She always liked to be optimistic and that's why I like her. She was the one friend I can count on, but now I have many friends. Who would've thought I'd make friends in a school full of rich, snobby kids? Of course, I've learned that the host club isn't snobby at all.

"We're almost there, it's just around here. Can you see the Ferris wheel?" Haruhi pointed out.

Carol awed at the sight, I tensed up a little. Yeah, I'm not to fond of heights. We reached the entrance, and many families and friends were there. Stands were placed everywhere along with the rides and food stands. We went to pay for our passes and walked through the entrance.

"Oh this is awesome!" Carol yelled. She through her fist up into the air. "This is going to be one hell of a day!"

"Carol, remember respect. Don't curse," I scolded.

She huffed and crossed her arms. "Like you're one to talk."

"Hey check this out you guys," Haruhi said. We walked on either side of her to look at her pamphlet. "It says there'll be fireworks at the end of the day. This is great, they don't have fireworks very often."

I smiled. Carol and I always went to our local gas station in town when we'd have parades. We'd looked up at the sky and see the streaks of color flow in the sky. I remember watching fireworks when my parents were still alive. I would laugh, smile, and look up at the sky in awe. My parents would smile right back at me. That was when I was blind though, I know now what life can do.

"Hey Alex! Come with us on this ride!" Carol exclaimed. She tugged on my arm, while Haruhi followed behind.

"Sure I'd love too." Although my past was tragic, and turned my heart to stone, I moved on. Just like Carol had when she was going through dark times. I hope to one day fulfill the promises I made with my parents.

We went on a few rides and tried some booths. Haruhi almost got sick on one ride. Carol and I were no help at all to her when all we could do was stifle our laughter, still she smiled. Soon it was around lunch and decided to choose a food stand.

"You two decide and I'll save us a table," Haruhi said as she walked off. "Anything is fine with me. I'll eat basically whatever you get me."

I turned to Carol and scanned the stands. My eyes went passed a stand and I locked on it. I pointed at the stand. "How about we get elephant ears? I'm sure Haruhi hasn't tried those before."

"Yeah! Oh and some lemon shake-ups!" Carol added.

I nodded in agreement. We waited in line for about five minutes and got three elephant ears and lemon shake-ups. We walked to the picnic area and scanned over the crowd.

"Do you see her anywhere?"

"Nope. Maybe she's at the restroom?" Carol tried not to sound worried.

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