Ch. 30 Picnics & Storms

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I was beyond shocked to see Tamaki at school the next morning. Something kept nagging at me; telling me that Shizue became really upset at what I had said and was holding a grudge against me. And maybe I believed she'd keep Tamaki away from us as a statement to say, "look what I can do". But she didn't.

The host club was still on hiatus. It was nice to have a break but the girls disagree. They left us be for a day. After the first day, the girls swarmed Tamaki at lunch asking if he'd have lunch with them since the club is 'on break'. This inconvenienced and annoyed us because Tamaki had made a big deal about having lunch with the club only to be unable to because of the girls. He swore that tomorrow the hosts would sneak off and definitely have lunch together.

This is why I'm awake at 7 a.m. to help Haruhi make a beautiful and delicious lunch for the host club. I sleepily watched Haruhi as she molded each rice ball into the perfect shape. I looked to my left to see the grilled cod roe filling I'm supposed to put in the rice balls. Why this specifically? I had no idea. I had never seen her eat this before. My brows furrowed a bit in curiosity. I looked at what we had done already: sweet egg rolls, pickled cucumber (which Haruhi insist be lightly pickled), daikon, fried meats, and nikujaga that Haruhi made a bit spicier than normal.

Something felt really familiar about the details she was putting into these foods. I had seen Tamaki eating these same type of foods before. Then it clicked- she was making the food that Tamaki likes and how he likes those specific foods. I couldn't help but smile. Does she even realize what she's doing?

"What's all this?" Hearing Ranka make an appearance, Haruhi and I both jumped. "Are you girls going on a picnic?"

Haruhi looked horrified. "No I made everyone else's favorite foods too! Of course I did!" Her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. "I-I mean it's not like I even know what his favorite foods and brands are anyway! I-it's just that he always steals food from my lunch so I've naturally noticed the sorts of things he likes!"

Ranka looked just as horrified. "Haruhi?! Calm down... you're waving your chopsticks everywhere."

Haruhi tried to calm her burning cheeks.

"It's not really a picnic." I decided to pipe up to help Haruhi out. "We're having lunch with the host club today in the school garden."

Haruhi nodded. "Plus since we're in the garden the girls won't be there."

Ranka finished a piece of food he had snatched from us and tilted his head. "I'm not sure that I understand, but be careful. The weather report said it might be stormy this afternoon."

The smile I had fell at his words, not because of Haruhi and Carol's fear, but because I felt like that had a deeper meaning.


In the garden, the club stared at the food in wonder and excitement. We had to push two metal, round tables together to lay out the food.

"Nice thinking Haruhi!" Carol snatched a piece of the meat and took a bite. "The girls won't know where we are since we don't have to stop by the cafeteria!"

Carol didn't know about Haruhi and I cooking this morning. She would've but when I went to wake her up two hours earlier than normal, she looked at me, turned over, and instantly fell back asleep. I didn't question why she was so tired and decided Haruhi and I would do fine on our own.

"Look at all the cool shapes!" Hikaru had stars in his eyes.

Kaoru's smile was a mile wide. "This is awesome!"

"Our club chef doesn't get this extravagant, does she?"

"Kyoya," I raised a brow. "She's got other things to worry about besides making our snacks extravagant."

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