Ch.5 The Twins Fight

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It was a normal day at the host club really. The hosts prepared to entertained their guests, and Carol shuffled between preparing for her guests and preparing some tea to the other guests. Me? I was now a maid, hostess, and a photographer for the host club.

I didn't have any guests scheduled for today, so I sat at a table with Kyoya who was typing away at his computer. I was scanning through photos on my camera. I stopped at a certain photo.

"Hey Carol, come over here," I yelled. Well in my normal voice as the twins say.

She set the tray down and hovered over my shoulder. "What is it?"

"Remember this?" I pointed at the camera's screen.

She leaned in closer and grew a smile. "Yeah. I remember that."

"What are you looking at?" the twins asked. They leaned in closer.

"Is that,"

"You two?" Kaoru finished for his twin.

I nodded. Carol's smile grew wider, "It is. God it seems like forever ago."

"I want to see Alex-chan!" Honey exclaimed as he looked at the screen. By now all of us were gathered around to look at my camera.

"That can't be you two," Hikaru stated.

"Yeah they look like normal girls," Kaoru agreed.

Carol and my eyebrows twitched. "And we aren't normal?" she asked.

"Of course you are! All my daughters are! You look so adorable!" Tamaki gushed at us.

The photo was of Carol and I when we were in middle school. Carol's mom thought it would be cute if we dressed up in designer dresses. We didn't like it too much at the time but her mom sure did. Since she wanted pictures Carol and I realized we might as well have fun with it. Carol and I were back to back in our dresses. We both had a closed eyed smile and held out peace signs.

"Those dresses look expensive," Kyoya pointed out.

Carol groaned. "They were, but my mom insisted anyway."

"Where did you get the money for them?" he asked.

Carol with out thinking blurted out, "Alex gave us the money."

I cringed. He looked over at me. "And where did you get the money?"

I bit my lower lip in frustration. Sometimes Carol can't keep her mouth shut. I sighed. "From my aunt and uncle."

This caught almost everyone by surprise. Carol already knew this but didn't seem to understand the situation right now.

"So, your aunt and uncle are rich?" Tamaki asked. I nodded.

"Do they have the last name Satomi?" Kyoya asked. I shook my head. "Odd," he mumbled as he typed at his computer.

"Did you two always dress up?" Hikaru asked.

"You really don't seem to like it now," Kaoru noted.

I groaned at all the times I had to dress up. Carol nodded her head. "Yeah we dressed up quite often. So as we got older I guess we just got sick of it." She looked at me. "Do you feel the same way? Being dressed up all the time, then finally being sick of it?"

I groaned. "It's the worst."

Haruhi nodded. "I have to agree, but seeing as though I'm forced to wear the boy's uniform I don't feel your pain. Well, my dad always try's to get me to wear girly stuff."

"Amen," Carol and I said together.

"But what about the skirts you two wear? It's no better then a dress," the twins stated.

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