Ch. 24 Dinner & the Truth

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"Obviously that's not how you greet someone."

"What's wrong with 'Hi! What's for dinner?'. I think it's only reasonable."

Carol stared at Ryo with murder in her dark blue eyes. "How is that reasonable?"

"They're inviting her for dinner, so obviously she'll be curious about what they'll be eating." Ryo's satisfied face vanished as Carol growled.

"That's disrespectful to ask when invited to a dinner! His father would look at her with distaste and the whole night will be ruined!"

I sighed knowing this wasn't going anywhere. You see, once I told Carol about the dinner at Kyoya's, she started to question my every move. Besides picking out an outfit, gift, and being nervous, we both couldn't figure out how to talk to Kyoya's family.

That's where the music club came in. We decided asking the hosts would be ridiculous considering they're, well, them. So, we asked Ivan, Komori, and Ryo how to talk to the higher class....

I should've known this would be difficult.

"Komori, do you have anything?" Carol asked hopefully.

She looked between Carol and I and shrugged. "I don't really get invited to many events with my father. And when I am, I was always told to mingle with the other kids."

Carol walked to the corner of the room and picked up a guitar. She played a few cords and sang, "This is a disaster~".

I chuckled. "I know this plan failed but did you really need to sing the obvious?"

She paused, then a smirk crawled onto her face. "Of course my love~"

"She's gone crazy!" Ryo exclaimed and laughed obnoxiously afterwards.

"Did you guys forget about me?"

We all looked over to Ivan who was lying on a couch. He had his arms supporting his head and his signature smirk on his face.

We were silent till I spoke. "Do you have any experience?"

Ryo started to laugh and Ivan shot him a dirty look. Ryo held his hands up in surrender.

Ivan's blue eyes scanned our skeptical faces. "I can't believe you all think I've never been to some fancy banquet."

"If we're being honest," Carol started as she set down the guitar. "You don't look like the type of person that goes to banquets."

He scoffed, "How do you think I met Viktor?"

Hearing the name of her fiancée, Komori's face started to turn a bit red.

I looked him straight in the eyes and bluntly said, "From school obviously."

Ivan tched and stood up. "I first met him at a banquet my father held. Then we ended up going to the same school." We only nodded not knowing how to respond. He pursed his lips and stood in front of me with his hand held out. I stared at it from my spot on the floor. "You want to know how to speak to the higher class right? I can give you a few tips."

I decided some advice is better than none so I grabbed his hand and he helped me stand up. "So first question: how do you greet them?"

Ivan put his hands in his pockets. "If you haven't noticed, which is impossible since you've lived here long enough, people greet one another by bowing sometimes. Others like business men or someone of the like might prefer a good handshake. However, men usually greet a women by kissing the top of her hand or the women will give a small bow. At least, that's what I've seen happen."

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