Ch.12 Hosts VS. Football Players

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~14 Days till Ouran's Festival~

"Rich men!" the twins chorused.

"Nobleman!" Honey cheered.

"Everyman." Mori stated.

"Poor men," Tamaki and I said gloomly.

"Destitute!" we all yelled at Haruhi.

Hikaru tossed a card on the table. "You could've at least try to win Haruhi. We even played by commoner's rules."

"What would be the point of advertising our social standing?" Kaoru added.

"Um, I've never been that into cards so I've barely even played." Haruhi responded.

I nodded. "Same goes for me, I would always read or draw honestly."

Tamaki held out two decks of cards, one at me and the other at Haruhi. "Here's a deck of cards for each of you. Here! Take them! No ones watching!"

"We can easily afford a deck of cards," Haruhi and I scoffed.

"So," Kyoya butted in. "for the next two weeks Haruhi is my slave?"

"What!?" Haruhi yelled.

"We did play this as a penalty game," I shrugged. "Penalty: the 'destitute' must obey the 'stinking rich'. And Kyoya just had to get the winning card."

"No one told me about that! And besides, two weeks? That's too long and I have to help with the school festival!" Haruhi stated.

"There is only 14 days till the Ouran festival," I murmured.

"Kyoya, she's right!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"Shut up poor man. You and Alex are my slaves too." Kyoya stated.

Before either of us could respond, the doors swing open and appeared Carol. She looked around the room then wore a glare. "You've got to be kidding me." She walked to the table we were playing cards at and grabbed a card. "You guys have been playing card games while I've been working on our class theme for the festival?"

Hikau patted her back. "Relax. We have 14 days left."

"And we played a penalty game," Kaoru added. "Not just a card game."

"The boss, Haruhi, and Alex lost so now they're Kyoya's slaves!" The twins said cheerily.

Carol just sighed and sat in a chair. "Whatever,"she mumbled. "I'll let it slide this once."

Kyoya turned his attention to the twins. "So, what's class 1-A doing at the school festival?"

"Detectives," I stated.

"No," the twins started as the slung their arms around my shoulders. "It's Agence De Detectives Prives!"

I sighed and shook my head. "It's the same thing. Giving it a long, fancy name doesn't make it more special."

"I agree!" Carol yelled as she sat her head on the table.

"But we have mysteries for our guest to solve, and there will be perpetrators to apprehend, misplaced possessions to uncover." Hikaru explained.

"Plus there's fancy prizes! We're providing a range of costumes. Our guests can experience being a real detective." Kaoru added.

"That sounds like fun!" Honey chimed in.

"I thought a nice cafe type thing would've been better," Carol grumbled.

I sighed. "Carol I know you love your idea but the class voted it out."

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